Mai Mommie iz all sikky an coffy agan. She came home early frum her huntin jobbie cuz she wasna feelins gud at all. Soes I iz keepins a cwose eye on her tooday.

Mommie iz yoo sweepins yets? Da bean V-E-T sez yoo shuld get lotsa sweeps an dwink lotsa flooids to mayk yoo feel betters.

Well I iz gonna go mayk sure she duz wat da bean V-E-T told her ta do. I willna be ables ta visit wif all mai fwiends tooday, but I will catchy up laters. Puurrrrrssssssssss.
Aww, I hope your human feels better soon Chance!
I tagged you for a meme when you are feeling up to it, but worry about getting that human healthy again first!
Take good care of your mom!
Aww Chance, you are such a good nurse! Make sure you Mum does what she is supposed to, beans are very naughty sometimes.
I hope your Mum gets better very, very soon!
You are a wonderful mancat, Chance, taking such good care of your Mommie. I hope she starts feeling better soon!
oh sweet Chance, you're being a great and attentive nurse. good for you.
Miz Allie Cat has a wonderful article on harness training!
puuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrssss that your mommy gets all better soon.
Take real good care of your Mommie Chance! We hope she gets better soon!
Purrs to your mommy!
Chance, we are sorry that your mommy isn't feeling well. Do a good job taking care of her.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
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