**Update 3** WOW, I am speechless and truly touched right now. In less than 8 hours you all pulled together and already our goal has been reached! I have called the Humane Society and left a message for them to contact me so I can take Little Imp in for an appointment. Hopefully they will give me a call back tonight so we can get her in A.S.A.P. I will most definitely keep you all posted on her progress as best that I can. It's amazing to think that last night I was so worried about her future that I could not sleep and now I feel confident that she has a chance at a happy healthy life thanks to all of our friends at the blogosphere. Again from the bottom of my heart Thank You!Nelle here: Last night when I got home I found this box on my front porch. When I opened it I heard this pitiful little mew and this sweet little face popped out.

Of course I brought the poor little girl into the warm house and made good with the stinky goodness. The poor thing is soo starved I was afraid she would make herself sick with how fast she ate. I had to pull her from the food a few times to slow her down.

When she stands up you can see her little ribs poking through and she feels so fragile and wraithlike my heart is bleeding for her. She is the sweetest little thing I have ever met and once she finished eating, she curled up right on my shoulder and purrred herself to sleep.

The problem is, with Shadows recent problem (and very expensive visit to the V-E-T) I just don't have the money to take her to see the V-E-T. She is going to need all her shots and of course she will need her ladygardenectomy. I have her and Chance seperated for now until I can get her in and he is not happy at all. All he did was smell her on my shirt and he hissed at me, growled and then ran off. I really just don't know what to do for her. I contacted our local no-kill shelters and no one has room for her right now. I refuse to take her to the shelter as I know they are already over-run and I fear they would put her to sleep. Plus I'm not sure I would want to give her up. I just don't know what to do. I can't keep her and Chance seperated for long, but it may be a month or two until I can get her in to see a V-E-T. I would appreciate any support or advice from the blogosphere right now.
Oh and in case you were wondering, I have been calling her The Little Imp.
I added a PayPal Donate button on the top left of the blog to help towards her V-E-T expenses.
**Update 2**
For those of you who asked in the comments about low cost vaccination clinics for The Little Imp, our local shelter does provide them. They cost $38 for the general exan, $22 for the vaccinations, and $70 for female feline sterlization. For an extra $16 I could also have her microchipped during her sterilization, but I am concentrating on making sure she is healthy first. Check out the link if you would like to learn more about our
Humane Society.