Happy Woofie Runs
Mommie camed home frum huntin yesserday an took da woofie in the metal machine. She waz gone fur a long tym an wen she camed home, da woofie wasna wif her. She sed she tuk him to Aunt Shellis howse ta pway wif da horsies on da farm fur da weeken. Da vidyo iz Shadow runnin rownd da yard at Aunt Shellis howsie. Shadow wuldna go inta da pastyur ware da horsies arr. Mommie sez he iz scarded of dem. Hehehe. Dis iz a pyctoor of da pastyur ware da horsies run an pway. Mommie sez yoo canna see dem cuz dey waz in da barn eetin der suppers.
Soes I askeded Mommie why she tuk Shadow der an she sed cuz she hazta go on a ova nite twip on saturday an she canna tayk us wif her. Im not so happies bowt her goin away, but she sed da nys neybor ladie will be cumin ova ta pway wif me an gives me mai brekfast an tweets an stuffs. Mommie haz neva lefted me afor an I dunno wat I iz gonna do wifowt Shadow ta whap. Corse I fink Shadow iz in biggur trubble den I am. Yoo shuld see Aunt Shellis woofie. Shez HUGE! Dis iz Lumpy an Mommie sez she iz a gwate dayn.
Lumpy iz da reesun I canna goes ta Aunt Shellis. Yoo noe, I donna myn at all bein lefted at homes. Dat iz wun big scary woofie. Hehehe. Mommie sed da utter reesun I canna go iz cuz Aunt Shelli haz 5 kittehs an dey donna lyk uther kittehs much an wuld prolly be meens to me. Dat sowns lyk no funs at all. I fink I wil jus stay home an twy an finds mai toyz or nappie in da winnow. May be evan plot sum distrukshun for wen Mommie gets home soes she noes how sads I waz wile she waz gones. Anywun wanna cum ova an helps me? Iz noo at dis.