Yes I am styl mads at da Mommie fur leevins. Afer da hole weeken of beins away frum me she had da nurvs ta go huntin yesserday an den she didna evan stay home an pway wif me wen she waz dun. She walkded da dawg an den she lefted me agan. Sumfin bowt lawndree needed ta be duns an fuds needed ta be bawts. Okie fine wif da fuds but I donna cares bowt lawndree. She sez she will stay home wif me tonite an mayk it ups ta me. Uh huh sure Mommie. Jus amember ta get da tem-tay-shuns down tonite fur me ta munchie on. May be I will givs yoo a puuuurrrrrrrr ifs yoo givs me nuff tweets an snuggles. We wil sees.
Still No Puurrrrrrsssssss fur Mommie
Cute toes and tummy! We hope you get to spend some quality time with your mom!
Yep, we think your Mommy should have to give you lots and lots of Temptations for being sucha bad Mommy lately!
I see lots of cuddles and temptations coming your way Chance!
I sure hope she stays home with you tonight. She has a lot of being gone to make up for!
nice toesies!
Very nice tuxie toes & tummy! :)
You have a very nice tummy and toes too!
I hope your Mum stays home tonight and gives you lots and lots and lots of yummy Temptations.
Ooh, look at dat belleh! Your Mommy should stay home and give extra attention to snuggles wit you and your cute belleh.
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