Well fwiends, dis iz mai final friday az a kitten. Next tym I postie on da bloggie I will be a wun yeer ol man-cat. I canna wate.

Just fink, I can twy mai first niptini and may bee fyns a purrty girl kitteh ta be mai speshul fwiend. I iz soo asited I canna evan tayk a nappie. Evan doh I am all snuggled wif Mommie on mai cowch.

Okay, may be I can tayk a nappie afer all. *yawnz*. Hope all mai fwiends hav a gud weeken an amember ta stop in on Monday fur mai big Man-Cat Birfday Bash!
What a big exciting weekend you have to look forward to!! We will be sure to stop by on Monday for your big bash. :-)
We can hardly wait for Monday! We hope you have a wonderful birthday!
You will never have the opportunity to turn one again. So enjoy every moment of your kittenhood you can.
Wow - one year old, that's super!
I wanted to thank both you and Shadow so furry much for coming to my Birthday Party yesterday - you all made it awesome!
We'll be by on Monday! One year is super cool!
Wow, coming into your ManCatHood.
Found a pretty great video of an adult cat trying to coexist with a new kitten... pretty funny... had to share... seems to be popping up on lots of blogs
Chance - have a super spectacular birthday weekend with your mom and Shadow. It is nice that your actual birthday will be celebrated with your family and then we can all celebrate with you after.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hey, happy birthday, little doood!
Cheers "to-be" mancat... Happy Birfday soonest!
This is very exciting. Tomorrow you will finally be an official mancat!!
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