Gampie got deze urple ajamas fur Mommie as a chrissymas pwesent! I wuvs dem. Dey soft an vewy warms on my nekkie. Speekin of my nekkie, do yoo see da horror??? A nudder cowwarr! Silly Gampie gots me a hot pink cowwarr. An yes, it gotz a bell too.
Mommie, I noe yoo wuvs da Grampie, but tells him dat I iz a boy-cat an I dunna wanna ware pink. I let Skeezix ware da pink stuff. I wuld much watther have da red cowwarr on pwease.
Iz meen it, getz me mah red cowwarr............NOW!!!

Oh dear, pink? Sigh. We hope Mom doesn't remember about collars... (there were collars in our Christmas stockings, but we are trying to hide them from her).
Happy New Year!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Flannel is very cozy for snuggling. Do not worry, you can wear a pink collar and still be a good Mancat!
Awww, we wauffed cauze we feels the same ways about the cowwars, specaillys the ones wif bells.
Momma insists cause she can'ts always see us and is abfaid she mights steep on us. We all waer red ones though, no pinks even for the girlys.
Well, we guess you told them! Did mom get you your red collar?
We dropped by to wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
jans funny farm
Ha ha ha! My little bro, you are so cute in that collar. Mainly cause it is pink and that means I can tease you about it! ha ha ha
My beans have flannel sheets and you're right, they are the best!! You're lucky your mommy has the jammies so you have flannel even on the couch.
Happy New Year to you, Shadow and your mommy Chance!
You are soo cute! Happy New year!
Oh yes warm pj's are soooo wonderful! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Chance. We are so glad we get to learn even more about you in the coming year.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Me-owzer, we like all naps in all fabrics and all colors, especially flannel. =^..^=
Gandalf and Grayson
Happy New Year!
I've been snuggled in Mommy's flannel jammies for DAYS 'cause she's been sick. I don't like that she s sick, but the snuggle time is heaven!
Pink's OK, but if you want red, by all means, you need to have a red collar!
Happy New Year!
It's ok cuz only real men wear pink.
Happy New Year to you and your family! Hope your 2008 is great!
Happy New Year, Chance~!
You are a very beautiful cat~!
Flannel is wonderful for snuggling. :) Mancats can wear pink. We are happy we don't have to wear collars though. Since we have no fur, they would rub our skin raw, and we are indoor-only cats. If we should ever manage to get out of the house, we have microchips in our shoulders so we could be identified.
Flannel is very snuggly. Mommy wears flannel jammies and we have flannel sheets. Fleece is even better and we have a few fleece blankies around the house to make biscuits on. Sorry about the collar.
I dunno, the hot pink looks very nice on you. We do not have flannel, just fleecies. I really like the fleecies.
You tell her!
Luf, Us
Hehe that last picture is great! What a face! I got to snuggle with my momma and her pink flannel kitty pj's for days because she a sickies. It was cozy for me but I think momma did not enjoy it as much as she should have. ~Queen Snickers
Ok, first Mancat rule, little guy. If you want the beans to do something and you're trying to be all furrocious, you can't be so cute at the same time.
And don't worry, real mancats wear pink!
I love a mancat in pink! You are a handsome devil.
You tell her, Chance!
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