You're Rite! It iz a cowarr. Mommie sez I haz to ware it all da tyme lyke da woofie doez. But dat bell tingy is dwivin me cwazy! I tink Imma twy Queen Snickers idea and jus chew it fwat.
Well afer Mommie put dat bell on meh, she also gave me my firs t-shirt! I still not sur iffin I lyke it or not, but Mommie paid me fur my mod...mode.....posin. Yup Yup Daisy, I got TEM-TAY-SHUNS! Dairy fwavor wuns. Dey arr pawwwsum! Mommie had ta put da powch up high cuz I kep chewin on it. Hehehe.

Dun I luk handsum in gween? An jus in tyme fur Santy Paws, it gots a litle messag fur him....see.
Mommie sed wen she sawz it she laugh and laugh lyke a wunatic. Da wady at da store luked at her lyke she was funny or sumting. Well she iz my mommie so I noow. She is funnies.
Otay mommie Iz had enuf of dis. Take da shyrty off pwease.
Fine Iz giv yoo wun more posey, but den yoo beter tak it off and giv me my payz.

Ahhhhhhh, as wong as she payz da gud stuf, I culd get useded to dis!
hehehe, that is a cute shirt! You will make a great model. Sometimes being a fashion model is hard work and there are things I'll only ware for 2 seconds before I start crying. Momma has had to learn what kind of things I will like and what doesn't work at all. My new Christmas dress has been the best so far, I jump and play in it like I don't have anything on at all! ~Queen Snicker
ps good luck with the bell!
Chance, you are a very good model cat! That's a cute shirt. I am very happy that you got a good payday for your hard work. If you always get treats for modeling, pretty soon when you see the camera and treat bag you will come running over eager to model!
I agree with Queen Snickers. Some things are very easy to wear, and somethings are hard to wear. I do not like anything on my feets. And hats are pretty hard to wear.
Monty, for pete's sake stop laughing. I put you in a shirt once, you know.
That's a great shirt! And you so nice to pose for your mommy!
We all wear collars too - we put the bitey on them sometimes, but you'll get used to it. Only Jake has to wear a bell - he's had a bell since he was a wee baby and Mommy and Daddy couldn't find him. Though Pearl and I should wear them too to warn the birds and mice!
Hope you all have a Meowy Christmas!
Aha, so YOU'RE where the bell ringing was coming from yesterday. You look cute in your t-shirt. Glad you got paid for posing.
Jan's Funny Farm
ha ha ha ha you are sooooooooo cute Chance!!! Sorry we haven't been by much this week, but mommy has been so busy at her work, we haven't even been able to post much.
Today she said we are totally going to visit your cousin Chance! Look how sweet you are in that sweater!!! You're certainly not naughty!
My mommy took the bell off my collar and put my heart shaped ID tag on it instead. She can still hear me, but I'm not so loud.
I hope Shadow got some good foods the other day. He has an excellent "begging face."
I hope you guys got my card and the cd with pictures on it!
Chance, We've enjoyed meeting you when you started blogging. Come by and pick up a gift.
Jan's Funny Farm
Dear little Dude, Mancats do wear clothes. Sometimes it's the only thing we can do to keep all of our manliness under control.
I'll find a picture of me in my polo shirt for you to see. It was a little tiny on me, but the chicks dug it anyway. ;)
Chance, Come by. We have something else for you. If you haven't had time to stop by yet, check out Merry Christmas 2007 and Thank You, Sassy to find everything.
Merry Christmas.
Jan's Funny Farm
Hey cutie, you are starting young in your modelling career and I can see great potential there. Keep getting tips from an experienced kitty like Daisy and you are onto something grand.
The bell, well, you'll get used to it. I had to wear one too.
You did a terrific job modeling that shirt, Chance. I like what it says, too. I think that "naughty" is a relative term...:)
Merry Christmas, Chance, to you and your Mommie!
That's a cute t-shirt Chance. We are lucky we don't have to wear collars, because it would rub our skin raw. We stay inside, and have microchips should we ever manage to escape and get lost.
Merry Christmas to you and your family! :)
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