Fyrst I wanna say fanks ta efurrywun hoo camed to mai birfday partay! Mommie sed she haz neva seen soo many kittehs an woofies pwayin in wun pwace afor. Hehehe. I hope yoo all had az much fun az I did. Corse I fink I may hav had too much funs cuz mai heady hurts. Mommie sez it iz called a nip-hangova. I donna cares wat itz called, I jus wanna naps in mai hammick.
Mommie, bwings me sum water an tem-tay-shuns pweese. I canna lifty mai head.
Puuuurrrrrrrssssssssssss ZzzzzzZzzzzz
PeeEss Frum Mommie:

PeeEss Frum Mommie:
We will get around as soon as possible to thank each and everyone of you for coming and making this the best first birthday party possible.

The lurverly girls at Zoolatry mayded dis furry cyoot pyctoore fur mai birfday an I jus hads ta shares it wif efurrywun. Isna it byootafuls.......Fanks girls!
Poor Chance, you have your first grown up 'nip-over!
(And tuna juice helps for the nip-overs!)
Take it easy, Chance - the first nip hangover is always the worst.
You know you had a good birthday party when you have to rest and recover the next day!
Poor Chance, niptinis are only fun the day before, buddy!
You need a little "hair of the nip" to get you feeling better Chance!
It was a pawesome party, thanks for having us! When you are feeling better stop by for a house trashing party!
*whispering* That was such a great party Chance. Thanks for the invite. I'm sorry you have a nip-over. Try some saltines. It works for my mommy. Make sure your mommy takes extra good care of you today.
Happy Purthday! Sorry we missed your party! We were lookin after momma, she was having trouble typing on the computer yesterday cus of the wippylash. So far so good today. Toesies crossed we can make it to all our friends today!
I hope your Mommie brought you the water and Temptations, and that you're feeling better. Sunny and Ollie told me it was a fantastic party and they had loads of fun!!
That is a wonderful graphic that Zoolatry made you for your 1st Birthday :-D
Those hammicks all look so cool!
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