Jus wunnerin why der arr no noo pyctoors of me ta post on Mommies flashy box. I jus luked an der arr noo pyctoors at all. I iz confyoosed. Mommie iz slakin a bit heer. Imma hafta gives her da bitey laters az pun...puni....cuz shez bad.
I gess insted of me, yoo will jus hafta settles fur a funnies.

Our Mommy has been bad about new pictures too - I foresee a lot of biting!
I wish I had that problem! My Mommie never gives me any peace with that flashy box.
hahaha Momma hasn't taken to many pictures this week either. She keeps going off to look at cars and stuff. :/ ~Queen Snickers
ha ha ha snort ha ha ha love that picture.
we demand new pictures of Chance!
Annykitty who attends a procrastinators club meetin on time is FIRED!
Maybe her battery needs recharging!!! :) xxx
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