So las nite I waz lyin on Mommie getting mai bedtym scritches lyk I do efurry nite. Den dat stoopid payn in da butt woofie cam up on da bed an pusheded me off! An yoo noes wat Mommie did? She lets him do it!

Jus cuz Shadow iz scaredy of da boom boom storms owtsyd, I gots booted frum da bed an missed owt on mai speshul tym wif Mommie. Shur she sed she will mayks it up to me to nite, but I hadta spen da hole nite in mai hammick. Donna gets me rong, I luv mai hammick, but I wuld hav ratter sleepy all nite in da big bed on Mommie lyk I does effury nites. Why shuld I hafta changie mai sleepy tym fur da stoopid scaredy dawg? I fink itz tym ta do sumfing bowt dat dawg.
Boot to the head!
Maybe you needs to give the woofie a nice whap on the head and knocks him off the beds.
Yep, you had better get DOUBLE skritches tonight to make up for it.
poor Shadow. i'm scared of boomies too. maybe you can lay on the other side of the bed from him when it boomies. if not booming tho, you should whap him back!!
Maybe your Mom needs a bigger bed, then you could all share!
Now, Chance, if Shadow is scared of the boom boom storms, perhaps you need to allow him some extra time with your mom. Instead of getting upset and plotting revenge, think about what would happen if you were the one scared of boom booms. The YOU would be kicking Shadow off the bed and needing comfort.
purrs and tail wags
Your mom definitely owes you extra scritches. Can't you all fit up there? In the winter, we all sleep in bed with Momma and Daddy - and sometimes Momma has to move to the couch because it's too crowded. hee hee
He pushed you off the bed?!! You should have jumped back up there and claimed your own spot on the bed! If he takes up all the bed, you get on your Mommie's pillow and make her move over and make room for you.
We had alot of kicking each other off the bed when Renna showed up! We are now learning to share it together, even Empress! Hehe Momma gets covered in squirmy furries many nights! ~Queen Snickers
Why do mommies do such fings? I get mad at my mommy for luvin' some slobbery woofies too. Geez mom, WHY do you keep those around??
Der should be room fur bof of yoo wif yoor mom...heck even when she sleeps on da couch (which is a lot) all three of us fit wif her. So what if she's half off da couch and wakes up wif a sore back and numb legs...we need to sleep wif da mommy!
That doesn't sound very fair!
I feel yer pain Chance. I been haffing The Big Thing's lap ta myself fer years (cause LC doesnt do laps), but Ayla's been pushin her way onna his lap and I dont like that.
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