Today iz mai 150th blog posty!
Mommie thawt it wuld be funs ta go bak to da beginnin tooday an see how fars I cames.
An dis iz frum da day I mets mai Mommie for da fyrst tym! Dat waz a furry long day.
Dis iz me afer I got to mai furrever hom an gots mai fyrst nip nanner.
Here I am pwayin wif mai noo tent. I luvs dat tent.
Mai very fyrst tastey of cat grass. YUM!
Wen I gots mai cave wif da pretty wibbons ins it an crinkle pad.
Dis iz me yellin at da Petco beans after dat meen tunnell hurted mai facey.
Heer I am waitin an waitin fur mai fyrst birfday.
An heer I am wif mai birfday pressie! I styl luvs mai tent, but mai Hammick is da bestest.
An now I iz all gwown up. Fanks fur being mai fwiends an watchin me gwow frum a silly kitten to a big stwong Man-Cat. Da kitties of da bloggysphere arr da bestest kittehs evar (an acorse all der beans too!)
Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrsssssssss & Headbutts to all of you...

Dis pyctoor is frum afor I meted mai Mommie an I was living wif Mr. Hendrix an his beans.

Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrsssssssss & Headbutts to all of you...
Congratulations on your 150th post!! Its been fun watching you grow up to be such a handsome mancat!!
Ninja & Brenda
Congratualtions Chance. You certaintly have come a long way and we are very happy that youa re our friend!
Congratulations!! It has been great watching you grow! sniff sniff You would make any mommycat proud! ~Queen Snickers & Empress
Congratulations, Chance! You sure have come a long way, little buddy. Purrrs!
Congrats on your 150th post!!!
Woohoo! Congrats on your 150th post!!!
Congratulations on your 150th post!
ConCatulations on you 150th Post Chance! We have loved watching you grow up, and reading all your cool adventures!
Your FL furiends,
Yay for getting to 150 posts. You have grown into a nice ManCat.
Congratulaions on the 150th post. I love your hammock - I need to convince mom to get me one of those.
Congratulations on the 150 posts! We loved the walk down memory lane!
Yay Chance!!!
Happy 150th blog post! We is very happy that you have such a great forever home.
Chance, you certainly have grown up online. It's terrific you've had such a great life with your mom -- and Shadow. Can't forget Shadow.
purrs and tail wags
Congratulations on your 150th post. You've come a long way baby.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy 150th Post! Yipee!
Concats on your 150th post, it was fun seeing you get to be a big Mancat!
You have really grown a lot, Chance! Congratulations on your 150th post. That's a lot of hard work!
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