YAY, She sed yess! Shez da most byootiful (an da only girl) in da Dinah Mites Cwan. Yoo cann see how pwetty she is on her sisfurs
Missy and KC bwog.
Dis iz mai sexay Man-Cat look. Wat yoo fink?? Aynt I hansum?

Well Iz gotsta get sum gud gwoomin in now cuz Mommie sez wes gonna hav a special Mommie + Man-Cat (an woofie) nite wen she get homes frum huntin.

I dunna noe bowt dis vawentynz day stuffs, but iffen Iz gonna hav speshul tyme wit Mommie tonite, Iz gotsta luks mai best! *psssst - Is mai furs stikkin ups anyware?*

Hope all yoo kittehs get to spen sum kwality tyme wit yur Mommies an Daddies tonite too.
Puuurrrrssss an kitteh kissys
Happy Valentines Day Little Brother! I plan on having some special time with my beans today too. You look very handsome and Mancatly there and your furs are perfect! Your mommy will be very impressed.
Happy Valentine's Day! It sounds like you have a wonderful evening planned with your Mommie.
Happy Valentines Chance from all of us...
Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Happy Valentine's Day cutie!
Happy Valentine's Day! Have a wonderful time tonight!
Happy Valentines Day with many smooches!
Happy Valentine's Day to you guys!
Happy Valentine's Day you handsome little Devil you!
You are very handsome, Chance.
Have a great first Valentine's Day with your Mommie and woofie :-D Maybe your Mommie will make you something special for dinner.
Autumn said...
O, Chance, you are a furry hansome mancat and I's would love to be yours Valentine. :: blush ::
Love & Purrs, Autumn
pee ess: I'll post a Valentine jus fur you later on my big sisfur KC's bloggie.
Oh, Chance, you look very handsome. Have a Happy Valentine's Day with your folks tonight.
jans funny farm
That is a very good mancat pose Chance.
Happy Valentine's Day Chance. You look good for your special night with your mom tonight. Happy Valentine's Day.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You certainly look handsome~! I have no doubt!
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