Soes Iz been finkin. Mommie gots me a new taggy fur my cowwar. I donna mynd it ats all cuz it no makes noyse or anyfing. But Mommie keeps twyin to taks a pictyoor of its an I willna lets her. She folowed me rownd da howse all nites twyin to gets da pictyoor an dis is all she gots.

In da fyrst piccy, I dwopped my chin to covers it. Hehehehe. Dis wurked pwetty gud, buts yoo can styll sees it jus a wittel bits.

Da next tyme I jus turn mai hed aways an moved it owt of da shot. Mommie was not amyoosed. I fink it waz funnies. Someday Mommie I will lets yoo get dat pyctoor of me sitting pwetty an showins it off. Jus not tooday.
Pee-Ess - Did yoo heer wat happens to myn vawentynz sisfur? Poor
Missy Blue Eyes gots a boo boo on her eye! Pweese go to her bwoggy an leeve sum puuurrrrrrssssssss for her.
Isn't fun to make Mom word extra hard to get a photo? hehehe. We've already been to see Missy and have started sending mystical "come home" purrs.
I like to make momma work for her pictures! When she Grrrrrrs in frustration I know I've done a good job! ~Queen Snickers
Chance, here is a secret for your photos: have your mom hold a delicious treat (like Temptations) just slightly over your head so you have to look up a little bit. Your mom gets the shot, and you get the treat!
I keep taking the things off my collar. Bean on happy with this, but you know...annoying to have something dangling down all the time.
Way to go on frustrating the mom! I'm purring for Missy and her family.
tee hee hee what a great joke on your mommy!
you did a great job choosing your Valentine Little Brother. Autumn is a cute and sweet little beauty. I'm very happy for you! You're such a handsome little guy yourself!
We are purring and praying for sweet Missy too. puuuurrrrrrrrrssss
We want to see your new tag Chance!!! We hope you let your mom get a picture of it real soon.
Good job, Chance! You don't want your Mommie thinking she can take good pictures of you any old time she wants!
Way to go, Chance-our Staff serve at OUR you just show off that new tag when you're good and ready!
I'm off to visit Missy Blue Eyes, now!
Hehe good work Chance. You let your mum take the pikchurs when you are ready, not her. We lie out in all nice poses, then as soon as we hear beep beep, we know the flashy box is coming, so we go and hide.
We stopped by Missy Blue Eyes earlier. We sure hope her eye heals quickly.
You're a little tease, making your mom work so hard for one picture.
Jan's Funny FArm
hehe, we kitties are good at makin beans work fur pickshures, aren't we? Great job!!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I like to look the other way when I see that flashy box. You look very handsome in your pictures even if we can't see your new tag on your collar!
Purrrrrs, Willow
Having good shots is not difficult to me, because Michico always makes strange sounds from her mouth so I am so curious at the lens.
What is it with humans and cameras - always trying to take pictures of us cats? FAZ
What's this about a ladycatfriend? Man, I leave to play nurse-cat to MomBean you got a ladycatfriend???
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