I gots tagged by Vincent an Mike fur a Meme. Fanks fur tinkin of me fur dis wun. I fawt long tyme bowt dis meme so here goes.
Here are the rules: You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspixs. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn’t get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
1. Fyrst I wuld lock da woofie owtsyde soes he canna gets me wiles I eets alla his fuds. Hes got yummy fuds, but he donna shares wif me.
2. Wile da woofie is styll locked owtsyde I wuld tayk alla his toys an hidey dem ware only I can finds dem. I lurve ta bunnykick da woofies toys.
3. I wuld give Mommie da bitey all day an all nites. I fink itz fun ta give Mommie da bitey but she no lykes it so I twys not to. But I wanna.
Well dats all I gots fur today. Sowwy I hasna been commentin latesly, but myne Mommie iz styll sikky. She gots sum synus infructsyun an it mayks her all sniffy an sneezy an couffey. She no happy Mommie. I donna mynds cuz she iz reely warms wit sumting called a feeevur dat mayks her hot. I lyk to snuggles wen she iz hot cuz it mayks me warms. Well I bettur gets back to snugle an purr dooties.
Well, I guess it would be okay if the woofie didn't run off like the one in the Garfield moovee.
aw, i'm sorry our mommy is sick. your purrs and snuggles will help her lots. maybe she even needs shadow snuggles too? i think so.
i hope she feels better soon.
maybe your mommy can get you your own woofie toys so you can be like your big brother!
we remember what a sweetie you were at the VET. Totally the opposite of me. You're such a puddle of love there.
i think that lady vet is a booger for being scared of you. what a silly goose!
Chance, you are one sweet little mancat! You keep on taking care of your mommy. I am sure all of your purrs and snuggles will help her feel better in no time!
(Holly and Ivy just steal the yummy dog food whenever they can. Sometimes it makes my big doggie brother Loki growl, and then he gets in trouble.)
Those are fun things you would do. We hope your mom feels better soon. Sending healing purrs her way.
Psst, Chance! I would do #3 also if I could. Biting is fun.
Numbers 1 and 2 sound good. I don't know about number 3 though. Your Mommy might not like that. I hope your Mommy gets all better soon. Being sick is no fun.
Sorry your Mommie is sickee..we will purr furr her and hope she gets better furry soon...
We will purrrrrrs for your mommy to get better! No more sick mommys!!
I likes to put the bitey on mommys necklaces and last night I actually put the bitey on the bling bling on her shirt so I likes that wish.
Bunnykicking the woofies toys sounds like fun!
I'm sorry to hear you Mum is sick, I hopes she gets better real soon, I will purray for her.
That's a great list Chance, we all totally agree!
We hope your Mommy feels better soon.
PS I forgot to tell you until mommy showed daddy your picture tonight. We love your new collar!
I'm sorry your mom is sick-I'm sending her lots of purrs! Those are good things to do, especially hiding all the woofie toys-they don't need toys, they can just spend all day lickin' their parts-its what they do best!
Oh yes I too love to put the bitey on my Mummy - and fink toes are the best thing to put the bitey on! :)
I hope your mommy turn better soon.
And I love to bite my beans as well~! Love bites is the best~! And she love it as well~!
As for No.1~2, good luck!!
Bities on Mommie! That is going to be fun!
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