Fanks effurrywun fur yur purrs fur myne Mommie. She is feelin much bettur today. She has gone huntin an effurryting finawy. Evan doh I wuld lyk her to stay home wit me agan, I know she needs to hunt fur mai fuds an toys an nip.
Well here it iz. My new cowwar tag. Iz been lettin Mommie tayk pictyoors of it cuz I feel bads she wuz sikkie.

Yoo canna reed wat it sez doh so I hads her find a pictyoor of it fur yoos. It sez Iz a smitten kitten. Hehehe.

I hopes yoo all hav a furry gwate weekend. I will be spenin lotsa tyme on my cowch wit Mommie. We iz gonna gets lotsa wite cold stuff today (we gots 3 inchies alweady) soes wez gonna stay home an watch da talky box lots. I'll be bakk on Monday Mornins.
Aw, lookit you. :)
That is a cute tag. I have a couple of tags, but I keep taking them off my collar. This does not make my Bean happy.
Stay warm with all the white stuffs.
Dearest Chance,
You is the hotness. We like your bloggie. You is very talented.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
That is a cool tag you got! Chance, I think your muzzle is a very distinctive shape and handsome. You can especially see it in that first photo.
It is certainly a lovely tag and it was nice of you to let her take a picture of it.
That's a neat tage Chance! It was nice of you to let your mommy take a picture of your new collar - it's pretty spiffy too!
We're glad your mommy is feeling better.
Oh chance. That is a beautiful collar you have there. bean is talking about getting me a new one too!
That's a great tag and I hope you and Mommy have a super weekend!
That is very cute, and looks great on you!
That is a cute tag Chance. Cause I go outside mine has to have my name and telephone number on it. Just in case I gets lost they knows how to ring my mum.
What a pretty tag! You are a smitten kitten indeed! You're a very good poser, you could be a kitten model. Im glad your mommy is feeling better. Keep her cozy on the sofa this weekend so she's warm.
Glad your Mom is feeling better. :) You must have taken good care of her. I bet letting her take pictures of you helped a lot. And they're cute too.
Fanks for joining the Carnival of the Cats this week!
Mini and the rest of the Hotties
What a sweeeeet cat, love the
smiling face!
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