Chance: Wen Mommie gots home frum huntin I cum to gweet her at da door and nex ting I noe shes yelling an gwabs me up and runs me to da sink wer da water cums owt. She gwabs a paper towel and gets da water all overs it an den she puts it on my face!
Mommie: I'm sorry baby, but you had blood all over your face.
Chance: I noe Mommie, but it waz water! I dunna lyke water. Anywayz, Mommie washes my face to see da boo boo and all da tyme she yellin at da dog fur tackking me. I didna tell her he didna do it. I waz mad bowt da water styll. Den she saw it wasna a bitey mark or even a claw mark. It was a gash! See.......
Mommie: As soon as I got him all cleaned up I searched the entire house to see what would be sharp enough to do that to him. I thought maybe he was running and slid in to something. I couldn't find anything and saw no signs of blood anywhere. I was really freaked out. And of course had to apologize to Shadow for accusing him.
Chance: Anyway, Mommie den wealized I wasna pwayin in my new tunnel. An I always pway wit muh new tunnel. So she went over to see wat da matter waz. Dats ware she find muh bwoods. Dat meen tunnel hurted me and I wants it no moar.
Mommie: One of the metal hoops inside the tunnel snapped and came poking out of the side of it. It was very sharp and even poked my hand when I tried to look at it. Of course I found Chances blood on the end of it and flipped out.
Chance: I jus lay on da floor and gware at da mean tunnel wiles Mommie pakked it up in da bag and puts it up way hi wares I canna get it. Den wen it was all puts way I ran to Mommie and lets her pikk me up and snuggle me fur a while on da cowch. But if all dis wasnna bad enuff, she cwipped my claws! Just da front ones, but I didna lyke it. She sez she gonna gives me a day or two afor she does da bakk claws. Uh huh, we see bowt dat. I haz twamatic weeks alweady.
Note from Mommie: I am not happy right now with this whole tunnel situation. I will be contacting Petco A.S.A.P about this. The tunnel is the Petco Brand blue and white kitty crinkle tunnel. If you own one of these please inspect it carefully for tears in the fabric. The hoops that support the frame are metal and very sharp on the edges. I hope the one I got was defected and it isn't a danger to other peoples cats. I only purchased it on Saturday and already it is too dangerous for him to keep playing with it, even with the broken hoop removed. I'm just happy no more damage was done and it didn't manage to poke his eye.

you poor baby, hope you are better soon
I am very angry that your tunnel was so mean to you. It could have hurted your EYEBALL! Thank goodness you are okay. It looks very hurty. Sometimes, if you let your mom kiss the hurty, it feels better.
That is VERY askeery. Very. We are glad you are OK!! Our tents are make with plastic "hoops" only. How scary.
Ow! You should snuggle with your Mommy. That will make it all better.
Holy Bast! I'm coming over to bunnykick the snot outta that thing! Hurtin' a little guy like you like that...
Oh me so glad you not hurty worst! Bad tunnel! We cheer you up! We gives you award! ~Empress
Bad tunnel, bad Petco. You could have lost an eye! I'm glad you weren't hurt more badly. I'm glad your Mommie is going to take it up with Petco. Sharp metal should never be used in any toy! xxx
Oh no, poor Chance!! We hope your hurty gets better soon!!
Oh Chance we are so sorry that you got poked in the tunnel. We are glad it wasn't worse and that you are OK! We were scairt when you Momma said that there was blood all over you.
Abby and Boo
Bad tunnel! I'm so glad you weren't hurt worse than you were.
How scary! I am glad nothing worse happened to you, Chance!
Holy crap! We'z glad it din't get yoo in da eye but even a scratch on yoor face...dat is horrible. We haf on of dem tunnels, mom just inspected it and she has decided dat she is gonna pull da metal out and put in "soft hoops". She din't buy dis one so...
Oh, what a terrible scare! We are glad Chance wasn't hurt any worse than he was.
jans funny farm
Momma says, that most of the time the companies don't do anythings for that kind of stuffies!
When she worked at a petsmart once, a lot of people said that the HARTZ and BIO SPOT was causing trouble with their animals... some animals died! But when they complained to the store, they didn't do anything about it.
One of the girls lost both her cats, and she even worked there! I hope you have better lucks with the stores!
I hope your owie gets better soon, Chance. That tunnel deserves the big bitey.
We hope you feel better soon. We are so sorry you got hurted. We hope your mommy gets you a better tunnel than one that bites you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oah Dear,
That is so so terrible~~~
I hope you will better soon!!!
Wowie! That was dangerous so close to yer eyes like that. Petco had better be VERY generous to you with toys an treats to make up fer there vishus tunnel!
I got a nasty flap of skin peeled up on my head one night once. The Big Thing freeked out when he saw it in the morning an we took a fast trip to the V-E-T. He took care of it, but I dont have much fur there anymore. The Big thing never could figure out what caused it...
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