Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday Cave Discovery

So da wetter man on da talky box sed an arktic win is cummin and der gonna be gusty wins. So Mommie wen owtsyde and gwabbed all dese pwastic tings offa da porch. Se sed it so dey donna bwow aways. I tink it maks a gud cave to hybirnayte in. Do kittehs hybirnayte? I tink dey shuld.

I can smell de owtsyde on dis chare. Itz weally dyrty doh Mommie. May bee yoo shuld cwean it.

Oh well, I dunna mynd gettin dyrty. Itz a gud cave to hidey from Shadow. An of corse smacky him in da head wen he walky by. Hehehehehe.

Mommie sez I gotsta stops smacky Shadow on da head or he gunna bitey me. I dunna no why he wuld bitey me. Itz not a bitey game, itz a smacky game. Silly Mommie.

Pee. Ess. - For dose who askey me wut I wuz dwinkin yesserday, it waz iced tee. But Iz only gots a wittle sip (enuff tyme fur mommie to takes da piccyture) den she tuk its away an mades me gets off da table. But she put tem-tay-shuns on da flooor fur me so dat mades it better.
Mmmm tem-tay-shuns............gotsta go find dat bag.


Monty Q. Kat said...

I see nothing wrong with whapping the dog...

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

I also see nothing wrong with whapping dogs. Dogs deserve to be whapped!


Don't listen to him Chase. Some doggies are nice and should not be whapped. Okay, must dogs need to be whapped but sometimes you get a good one like your Shadow or my Samwise. Really! Shut up Dante, he is too nice!

-Captain Jack

LZ said...

We have the arctic wind too and its loud and cold! Of course its also recycling day so our cardboard is getting blown around the neighborhood.

Dog whapping sounds like a really fun game!


Daisy said...

It even got cold and windy where I live! And guess what? Our trash can on wheels tried to roll away! Hahahaha!

I do not really like the wind very much though.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

hehe Cute cave!!

PS, did you like tea? You can tell your mommy to make you catnip tea, brew it like hot herb tea and you can drink that cold or hot. Its yummy. Your mommy can even drink it haha, my momma found bags of it at a health food store. She likes it too, but with honey.
~Queen Snickers

The Meezers or Billy said...

whapping dogs is an ok thing to do. but lots of times whappy games turn into bitey games. and that's fun too. well, 'cept maybe NOT wif a doggie

Jan Price said...

Hey, We object to dog whapping!

jans funny farm canines

Mr. Hendrix said...

ooooo it sounds to me like you need another Gizzy quilt to go in your new cave! What a great place to hang out.

I hope you stop whapping Shadow soon, not cause he'll bite you, but cause he looks like a nice snuggly pillow. He'll keep you warm during arctic winds...

You look awfully cute there Chance. Mommy thinks about you lots and smiles cause she knows you're happy.

Artsy Catsy said...

Chance, we understand woofie whapping, in fact, we find the need to do it ourselves when our woofie, Pepper, starts nosing around in our food bowls!

& the Artsy Catsy whappers

Jimmy Joe said...

Ooo, arctic winds. That makes my momma say bad words. I hope your momma is more polite, Chance.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is an excellent hiding spot/cave. You are very smart for such a young kittie, Chance!

Poppy Q said...

My mum has taught me to come and sit on her knee and sit down if I wants a temptation treat. Sometimes I forgets to ask for the treat and just sits down for a quick cuddle - five minutes at the most.

Whap the dog - good game.

SophieKitty said...

I don't like the wind either. It's kinda scary. But at least you have a good hiding place and whapping place.

Just Ducky said...

The artic wind has been here. The plastic chairs came inside the metal monster room months ago. So no cave for me.

Motor Home Cats said...

That does look like an excellent hidey/whappy cave. We don't whap our doggy because she is a good snuggle buddy, but we love to give her baths.

Maybe your mom can fix up a cave for you that doesn't include dirt.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Bobby D. said...

Chance is so pretty and smart-- we find the best little places in the house to play in.