Psssst.....I wuz tagged by The Furry Bambino's fur da 7 tings bout me meme. I pwomis as soons as da hollydaze is ova, I will get dat posted. Maybe by Thursday?? Mommie??
Mommie: I dunno yet Chance. We will have to see how busy we actually get this week. We have lots of people and places to visit. And lots of presents for you to pick up. You might be too busy playing with all your new toys to come up with 7 different things.
Nuh uh Mommie, I can does it!
Mommie: We will see. I heard grampy got sum really primo home-grown catnip for you.
Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip NipNip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip Nip
Chance, I loved watching you play with your new toy! Trackball is very fun, and you look to be an expert at it. Merry Christmas!
Wheee!! You look like you're having so much fun! I hope you get to take your trackball with you while you're traveling.
mmmmm home-grown nip....mmmmm nip. Isn't that the most wonderful word in the world??
You are such a little cutie Chance! It makes us happy to visit you and see how happy you are.
Enjoy the extra treats and fresh nip. Merry Christmas!!
PS I too hide when sticky little people come over...but only if they try to pull my tail. Other than that, they are usually telling me how cute I am!
That's a great video of you playing with your trackball, Chance. :) Both of us love playing with our trackballs. :)
Merry Christmas to you and your family! :)
yer so cute playing wif yer new toy chance
Your new toy looks like great fun Chance, we enjoyed watching you playing with it. Merry Chris Mouse to you and your family.
Merry Christmas to all of you :-)
Santa comes tonight!!!!!!!!!
You are really into that toy!! Hahahaha!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
That trackball is really cool! I love how it lights up, Empress has the mouse racer. Sometimes I play with her, but it is mostly hers. ~Queen Snickers
Merry Christmas to you and yours! May you have a safe, healthy, and happy day!
Happy kissmouse to you and your fambly chance
Home grown nip is the best. You look like you really enjoyed your Chrissy Mouse.
We wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas,
Missy Blue Eyes & KC
and all the "Sherwood Shelter"
We wish all of you the very Merriest Christmas and the Happiest New Year ever!
Lots of Love & Purrrrrs,
& all of us at Artsy Catsy
We're so glad you came by and picked up your presents. We know what it is like to be rescued so we are happy you have a forever home now.
You sure are having fun with that ball around the track present. Your mom sure is nice to you.
Jan's Funny Farm
Merry Christmas to you guys!
Hey little dude!
I had a talk with my little sis Poppy Q and we'd like you to be our official Little Brother. What do you say? :)
How wonderful! What a great first Christmas you've had.
We wish you very happy holidays and a wonderful new year!
Karl and the rest of The Cat Realm
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