But I'm Home! T'was a vewy vewy long trip homez and Iz pewped. Here I m in my new cagey. See all da soft cumfy beds I gotz?

OOooo And checkz owt my tunnell.....Dis is where I hidez from da woofie....

Iz not soo happy bout da woofie yet. He runs too much and makes lowd woffie noizes. I just gives him da hissie and he goes aways. I didz let him sniff at me dis morning, den I wentz back to my cagey to nap while mommie is out hunting.
Wen woofie makes lowd noisez, I runz to mommie and she piks me up soes I can layz on my Gizzy Quilt! Look how beyootiful it iz. And it gots here just in timez too. Mommie got it out of the blak box on the road when wez got homez. It's soo soft and cumfy and I likez to put the bitey on the cornerz of it!
Here iz nuther pic of my gizzy......yoo can tellz I likez it cause I m alwayz on it.....See

Iz sooo happies to be in my furrever home. Mommie gives me treats and stinky goodness everydayz and protectez me frum da woofie too. I guess hez not so bad, he juz scaredys me when he playz wit hiz toys and makes the lowd woofie barks. But he goes away when I hissie at him so I guess hez otay. Maybe sumday I'll letz him cum close enough to sniffz me. Or maybe I just whacks him in da face. I'll tink abouts it and letz you knowz what I decidez.
I jus soo happiz to be home and to haz soo many friendz just waiting for me on da blogy-sphere. I just knowz we wills be friendys for lifeyz. I can't waitz to read da bloggies and getz to knows all my new friendz! I will post commentz too soes u knowz I wuz dere! Well imma goes check owt da bloggiez now......herez a quick video. Hope it wurks, mommie uzed her phoney thing so it's not good, butz u can seez my bunny kicks! I rock da bunny kicks......
Note from Shadow: Is not doins anyting wrongs....I just tryins to sniff my new brother so I can givs him kisseys. But he still scaredy cat in a new homez so I just walks away when he does the hissie at me. Mom sayz I'm a good boy when dis happens so I guess Iz doing the right thing. Besidez, I still teached him to bloggie even when hez still hissie at me.
Hiya Chance! Welcome to your new home. I am glad you like your Gizzy quilt. Mom and I worked real hard to make sure it was ready for you when you got to your forever home.
You are definately being spoiled right off the bat. Have your mommy fix the text for the comments through, we can't see them black on black.
Hi Chance!! We're so glad that you are in your furrever home! That is great and it looks like you are making a speedy recovery!
Luf, Us
Hi Chance!!! Welcome to yore noo home! We's all a'cited that you got a grate furever home :) Yoo looks like yoo feels grate too and that's reely sooper.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Hello Chance! :) I'm so glad you found a wonderful Forever Home. :) Your Gizzy quilt is beautiful! :)
Hi Chance! We are so glad that you are finally home. It's been a long trip for you to get there but we think you found just the right place now!
Hi Chance! I'm glad you have such a wonderful forever home. You do rock the bunny kicks!
Welcome home Chance! Zippy sez to give da woofie a chance...hahaha dat sounded funny cuz yoor Chance but I don't think she meant yoo should give yoorself to Shadow. We think yoo've found a grate furever home and will now get spoiled just da way yoo should.
Oh Chance, I am so happy you are finally in your Forever home! It looks like you have everything a cat could ever want. I hope you will get used to Shadow soon because he seems like a good dog. But I do not blame you for being a little bit nervous.
Hello! We are so happy you are in your forever home!Keep getting better, we look forward to getting to know you better! ~Queen Snickers & Empress
What a wonderful homecoming gift!! You sure are starting things off right with a Gizzy Quilt. Your new mom seems pretty perfect!!
Hi Chance!!
Its nice to meet ya.
You looks very comfy in your new forever home. And your Gizzy is just the besterest! I hope you and da woofie get ta know each other and can be friends. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your adventures.
Your new pal
welcome, chance, welcome! us bloggin' kitties are purrrrroud to meet you. it allus warms our cockles (mom sez they're little places in our hearts) to hear that a kitty got a second chance and got a wonderful furrever home. we hopes you mends completely and furry quickly--the holidays (fun times when you get even more toys an' treats) is just around the corner, an' you're gonna need all your strength!
warm purrs an' best fishes from
nels, ed, nitro, an' xing lu
Welcome home Chance! We said a little prayer yesterday hoping your travels went well. I'm glad you are healing and I am glad you came over to say Hello!
Smooches and concatulations on finding a forever home.
ps - woofies can be OK, I have one too!
HI CHance!
It is so good to meet you. I bet you didn't know you had become an innernets celebrity! It is so wunderfull that you found a forever home wif yur new Momma. Welcome to the blogosphere it's a grate place. Come on ofur and visit when yu get a chance. Me and My sisfur Boo are both tuxies too.
Abby and Boo
Hi Chance!! We wanted to be your first comment but mommy was so busy right when she got to work she couldn't till now.
Your Gizzy quilt is wonderful!! You look very handsome on it. Mommy is so glad you're so happy. She knew you would be. Big chin scratches to you buddy. We miss you but are glad you have such a wonderful forever home.
Hi Shadow! Of course you aren't doing anything wrong. You just want to love your new brother. I think he'll warm up to you right away. He's just had a long week. Big ear scratches to you!! Thanks for teaching him to blog.
Hi Chance!! Looks like you are settling in quite nicely!! Welcome!!
Excellent! I'm glad you're there safe and sound, if you need some How to Be a Manly ManCat let me know. ;D
Hi Chance,
welcome to your new home. Dats nice that you enjoyed it. Your mommy sounds like a great bean.
Poppy Q
hi there!! Glad to see you are all settled, your new home sounds absolutely heavenly!!
Hi Chance! Welcome to your new home. I'm sure you'll be very happy there and totally spoilt by your mom. Your quilt is beautiful.
It's OK Shadow, Chance just needs a little time to settle in and then he will be happy to have your company.
Hey Chance we are glad you are at your furrever home no!
your Gizzy is beautiful and you do great bunny kicks!!
we fink the woofie is a good woofie, he looks very nice to us.
puuuurs, Kashim & Othello
We're so excited and happy to see you in your new home! Your Gizzy quilt is so pretty - looks like you love it as much as we love ours. Once you get used to the new place, we bet you'll love that sweet woofie too.
Shadow: We know you're not doing anything wrong. Sometimes we even give the hissy to each other and we've known each other since we were born. The hissy just means "please leave me alone right now". You're a very sweet and good woofie!
WOO HOO! A new furever home for you! It is good to meet you!
Hi Chance, you are a handsome tuxie. Looks like you have a very nice, caring new forever home. Love your Gizzy quilt.
And Shadow looks so sweet and sincere. You must remember, Bear became KC's adopted Mommy, even tho Bear was a woofie (she never quite got that...!), she loved kitties and acted more like a kitty.
It's okay to hiss now, just like Grr, Midnight & Cocoa said, it's just like leave me alone and let me used to everything.
Hi Chance,
We iz so glad to meet u. You are a furry sweet kitty. We iz new to the kitty blogosphere too. Welcome and we home u make many furry furriends :)
Hi Chance and Shadow! Thanks for stopping by our bloggie. We are so glad you're in your forever home. That looks like a great new quilt you have. And you definitely have the bunnykicking thing down pat. Good job!
We have a dawg (Titus) at our house and it took us a little bit to get used to him. Actually we were used to him pretty quick, but Momma is really overprotective. *rolly eyes* It's ok to give a little hiss, sometimes. You're just getting used to all kinds of new stuff.
Welcome, Chance! My mom and I are so glad you found a furrever home! It is so wonderful to have a warm lap and lots of snuggles. Hey, don't worry about the woofie-He's just tryin' to make friends, and he might turn out to be a really good buddy!
(but don't share your Stinky Goodness with him, it can give him the squirts)
Welcome Chance - we've been waiting to hear from you! We're glad you found your forever home, it looks wonderful.
Bert loves our woofie - they're the best of friends, so don't give up on Shadow just yet.
Hi Chance, we're pleezed to meet yoo.It looks like yoo got a grate furrefurr home, and we're sure yoo'll be furry happy there.
Hey there Chance, li'l buddy--you hit the jackpot! Congratulations on your super new forever home. I bet you'll start to like your doggie brother pretty soon--my sister is a doggie and we get along great.
Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi, Chance Bond,
We just stopped by to congratulate you on a new home, a new brother, and a new blog. We look forward to watching you grow up.
Your Gizzy quilt is beautiful. Millie's mom does a great job making them and Millie does first rate quality control. We love our Gizzies.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
Hi Chance, glad to see you made it to your furrever home safely. Rest up and don't let the woofie bother you.
Hi Chance, so glad you got a great furever home and a blog! You are so cute and your woofie brother sounds nice, too! We are so pleased to meet you!!
Your FL furiends,
hi chance, u r so cute!
Hi, Chance! Welcome to your new furrever home. We hope you like your new brother sometime soon. He can be a buddy for you, and protect you.
Hi Chance! We are so very happy you gotted a forever home that is so wonderful! you gizzy is gorgeous and you are a furry handsome tuxie cat.
Hi Chance! Its so great to meet you! We are so happy you made it to your forever home, what a journey!
Tara and Kavan
Hi, Chance!
We are so glad that your story has a happy ending! Everykitty deserves a wonderful forever home and we're so happy you're getting settled in yours!
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles & Lola
Hey Chance,
It's my pleasure to know you~!
I love reading your story,
that is a wonderful ending here~!!
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