Thanks everyone for my Gotcha Day messages. It was a great day! Mommy stayed home with me all day and we had temptashuns and steak and shrimps too for treats! Lotsa scritches and snuggles too. Oh and Shadow even gave me a bath (not sure if the doggie slober is good for my furs though). I is soo happy in my forever home and I owes it all to the blogosphere. Really! That's where Mommy found me! She was searching the internets for kitty stuff and found the post about me on Mr. Hendrix's blog. She just knew she wanted me and a few weeks later I was home. So Thank You everyone! You made me the happiest mancat ever!
hi Chance! We tried to get here to give you Gotcha Day wishes, but the baby wouldn't cooperate with mommy getting on the computer.
We thought of you and looked at old pictures of you in mommy's scrapbook. We remember having to come home during the day on Thanksgiving to play and give you your medicine. What a handsome healthy boy you are now! That makes us so so happy.
Hugs to you, your mommy, Shadow & Little Imp
That is a wonderful gotcha story. It is very nice of you to remember Mr Hendrix and his mom at Christmas time.
Hi Chance!
Happy Belated Gotcha Day!!!
How great that your mom found you through the CB! It's a very heartwarming story. We're happy you have a wonderful forever home.
(Glogirly's cat)
Nothing better than a forever home!
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