Mommie brawt hom a sticky lytl bean las nite. He chaseded me all ova da pwace all nite tyl himz Daddie cam ta gets him. Mommie sez it waz only a howr, but I fink it waz lots longer den dat. Imma hafta naps all day jus ta mayk up fur da naps I misseded.
Those little beans can really take it out of you, Chance. Hope you get a good rest!
I feel for you,Chance! I have a 2yr old and a 6month old beans over here! The littlest can't get me just yet, but Landon can. He chases me all the time.
I think you could use some rest after all that exercise running away from the sticky little bean.
We think you were very brave just to be in the same room with the Sticky Bean - you deserve all the rest you need!
So sorry for ya, man.
I feel for you, I really do.
I have two wee things here. Sometimes fun: sometimes not so much.
purrs Goldie
When Sticky People are involved, one human hour=23 Kitty Hours. Maybe even 30, if it's an obnoxious sticky person. Really, you should get an award for tolerating the whole thing. Or shrimp. An award, and shrimp.
I wood be so skairt if a littel peeple were to chase me. Yoo is brave!
Those little beans can really get to you. Luckily, my Mom doesn't know too many people at her age that would bring the little ones to our house anymore.
It is often difficult to rest up after a night like that. I think you are doing a great job.
Poor Chance, that doesn't sound good at all. We have 3 sticky beans living with us, but they can't come into our room without permission, and the littlest sticky bean has to either be held, or have his hand held.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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