My fwiends
PB&J gaves me dis wunnerful awardie las week an I finawwy gets ta post it on mai bloggie. Fank yoo guys soo furry much. I iz trooly touched by dis wun. I wanna pass it on to sum furry cool cats dat Mommie an I reeds efurry day. (Iffen yoo alredy havs it, den yoo desurvs it agan).
Abby & Stygia - I iz furry happy to see yoo two pwayin lyk sisfurs. I jus noo yoo wuld be fwiends.
Harry - A pawsum kitten hoo remins me wat it lyk ta be yung an too cyoot fur punishments. Hehe.
Grrreta and da gang - Dey arr sum fun kittehs an mayk me an Mommie laff all da tym. Check owt der kitty wata parks. Hahaha.
Victor and da beyootiful Nina - Victor iz a wunnerful brofur to dat hubba hubba gorjuss sisfur of his an I jus canna stop lukin at her purrty pyctoors.
I fink dat iz more den seven kittehs but I donna cares. Dey all deservs it.
Thank you for that cool award Chance! I like it very much.
Oh, thank you, Chance! Goodness, I don't know what to say! Um, ::lick lick lick lick:: you're handsome, too.
Purrs & sandpaper kisses,
Very deserving kitties to hand out the award to! Hope you guys are having a great week!
Concatulations on your awardie!!
Thank you for the award, Chance! We are going to put it up right away.
Abby & Stygia
Thank you so much for the award! We really enjoy your blog too.
Congratulations on your award~!!!
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