Mommie: Okay okay, relax a bit. I will tell you what happened to your toys just calm down a second.

Mommie: Do you wanna here this or not?
Okies okies, I iz reddy. Now tells me wat happen to mai toyz?
Mommie: Remember how all last week Shadow was being a naughty naughty doggie and kept making a mess of your litter box while I was day hunting?
Uh huh, I amembers. He keeped tippin mai box ova an spillin its.
Mommie: Well I got tired of cleaning up the mess everyday so I moved all of your toys and things to the sitting room for you. That way I can close the door and seperate Shadow from the side of the apartment that has your litter box in it.
Ooooooo, soes all mai toyz arr jus inna nutter room?
Mommie: Yup, all your toys are just in the other room. Feel better now?
Much bettur. Fanks Mommie! Now I can nappies happies agan.
moving toys without prior written notification 3 weeks in advance is against the cat rules. isn't it?
I am very glad your toys have been located!
We used to have that problem with Kesey too. Now we have a tall baby gate with a little kitty door in it so he can't get into the basement. He doesn't bother our toys so they are everywhere.
Shadow has been very bad. I thought he was the reason for your missing toys! I'm glad your Mommie finally told you where they are.
Whew! I was getting very worried about where your toys might be!
We told you your mom took your toys. See. They're fine. We're glad you're happy now. And you'll have your own playroom now.
Thank goodness - we were afraid you were going to be toy-less (and that ain't right)!
We is very glad that you still has your toys! Our mommy isn't so careful and sometimes we gets woofie slobbers on our toys. Yick. Good for your mommy being so good to you.
We are glad that you found your toys. Mom puts up a baby gate to keep Camie away from areas she doesn't want her to get to. The one we have is up about 4 or 5 inches off the ground so we can crawl under it ('cause Tiki can't jump that high anymore).
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We are all SO GLAD yer tots is all found and safe! Whew, we were worried.
Oh...I is glad your toys are still there! I was so worried for your toys!
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