Dis iz ware I spended mosta mai weeken. Mommie bowted me a Boogie Mat at da Petco store an put it in mai hammick! I lurves it lots an lots.
Soes Mommie an I watcheded da Olympics all weeken long an it waz pawsum! Asept for da water parts, why do dey do dat stuffs? I jus stood der lookin at em wunnerin why dey splashin rownds in all dat water wen dey culd just clims owt. It waz furry furry weerd. But da girls doin da flippys on da bars an on dat long beem wer furry innerestin. Dey can do better flips an leeps den I can. An da boyz hoo play da B-Ball wonded der fyrst gaym! We iz furry happies wif da U.S.A. rite now an hope dey can keeps up da good wurk.

That was a great weekend you had! Lots of time with your Mommie and she bought you a boogie mat, too :-D
We are having loads of fun watching the Olympics, too!
i'm glad you had a great weekend, and got a great mat!
did you ever find your missing toys? they didn't, um, you know, show up during one of Shadow's trips outside did they???
What a great place to lounge!!
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