Hope yoo all hav a gud weeken. Mommie an me will be sittin on da cowch watching da Olympics agan. Mommie sez dey arr almos ova which meens I can hav mai Mommie lap bak. Mommie jumps arownd too much dese dayz. Until den I iz jus gonna hog da dawgs pillow.
It will be nice to have your rightful lap back, won't it? Right now, I am getting lots of attention because my brother Tommy is staying over at the vet's, but I miss him, so I am also sleeping on his dog bed.
I know exactly what you mean..when my mom jumps around watchin' football, it's no lap for the whole season! It's too bad she's not a fan of knitting or somethin'.
it will be nice to have your mommy's lap back i'm sure. your pictures this week with Shadow are very cute. we are so glad you're all getting to snuggle together. we bet he is nice and warm during cold weather too so you'll have good naps.
have a great weekend!
hugs to you all in memory of MuShue!
Hope you're not lonely but we understand why you wouldn't want to try to lie in someone's lap who is jumping around. Kind of hard to do.
Glad the jumping won't last much longer.
Yep, our mom has been watching those Olympics too...and not paying much attention to us!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You have a good weekend, too :-)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend relaxing,
Grab all of the pillows you can! Hope you get your mom's lap back soon!
I hopez u and ur mommie haz funz watchin da Olympikz! My silly hoomin and me we watchez dem from our bed and my silly hoomin bean alwayz fallz sleep. OK?
I hope you got some lap time this weekend!
We hope you get your Mom's lap back soon. We like the new look of your blog.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hope you get that lap back soon! There's nothing better than that.
We're a little bit glad they're over too. Our Grampy was watching and watching and watching the Olympics instead of us. Mom wasn't, but we like all the attention we can get.
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