I fink I culd get used ta dis. (See how happies I am, I iz smilins)
Peee Esss: Shadow sed he had a gwate tym walkin wif Merci affer her birfday partay yesserday an waz gonna do a hole posty abowts it tooday but he iz jus so happies an tyred at da saym tym he hasna moved frum da cowch sinse he gots home. I wonner wat two woofies do on a walk wifowt der beans. Hmmmmmmm.
Purrfect example why cats are so much smarter than doggies! Mommie laps are so much better than pillows!
Laila and Minchie
Yay Chance! We love it in Mom's lap, too!
Laps are better than pillows, any day!
Miewmie's laps are the best efer !
Cute smile!! You could ask Renna about the woofie part but I think she may be a little young. ~Queen Snickers
Hi Chance! A bean's lap is much better than a pillow. You got the better deal!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
ps. Don't tell Shadow!
Mom's laps are wonderful and big woofies don't belong there. Kitties come first!
Sorry we haven't visited the past couple of days. Mom's laptop crashed and she is still feeling a little yechy!
That's a very nice smile! :)
I tink bein on ur Mommie's lap be more funner den on couchie thingie. I likez my hoomin to sitz on our couchie thingie and den I jumpz up dere and he cuddlez me lotz. OK?
Mommie's lap is always the best. So I guess it's okay you let Shadow have your pillow on the couch. I just wouldn't let him get used to that though. Remember, cats rule, dogs drool! Make sure he knows you're in charge!
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