So I haz been finkin in betweeeen mai snuggles wif Mommie bowt dis gilt fing. If I mayks her feel gilty bowt sumfing den she twys reel reel hard ta mayk it ups to me. I meens all I did waz tell her dat I wazna happies bowt her leevins all da tym an now she iz stayin homes wif me an givin me extwa snuggles. I wunner wat utter fings I culd mayk her feel gilty bowt? Iffen I mayk her fink I am starvin kitteh will she go gets me sum more tem-tay-shuns? An how bowts iffen I mayk her fink I am boreded wif all mai toyz? Will she go gets me noo wuns? I am gonna hafta fink bowt dis sum more. Anywun gots any ideyas?
Lay as flat as you can by the food bowl and give out your post pitiful 'mew'. Works for me.
You have to space your guilt trips out, Chance my lad, otherwise they don't work as well. But you should totally go for as much as you can get while she's still making up to you now!
oh yes! guilt trips are great, especially after the beans get home from a vacation / abandonment. so Monday after your mommy gets home, you could do the starving kitty bit, like you did't eat the whole time she was gone. Sit by the treat cabinet and cry and pace until you get more treats!
Guilt is a very powerful tool. You're on the right track!
I bet she will! I think those are excellent ideas, Chance.
Guilt is a good one, but Tybalt is right, you've gotta know when to use it!
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