Shadow: HEY! I'll be here too little brother. As she is my Mommie also, you are just gonna have to share her with me this weekend.
Chance: Az long az she gives me scritches an feeds me mai crunchy yummies den dats all I needs. Hopes all owr fwiends hav gwate weekens wif der beans an gets lotsa lurves an scritches.
It's all about the scritches!
Sounds like a really nice weekend. My humans will be busy so I'll have to annoy them if I want scritches.
That sounds like a great weekend!
What a great weekend you have planned. We LOVE the name that you suggested for the Sherwood's new sock kitty!! BRUSSEL.....lololol....hahahahaha.......Chance...you crack us up!
we hopes you has a great weekend too!
It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend in store for you!
What a great and wonderful mommy-filled weekend to look forward to!
That is going to be a great weekend for all of you :-D
Sounds like a great weekend Chance!
It's great to have your bean all to yourself!
Havin a Bein around to give scritches an treats is great. Haf a good weekend, Chance!
f a handsome man cat you have become
Oh Chance, you are lucky. Your mama will be home all weekend to serve your every need. That is just as it should be. Make many demands and make them often. Enjoy your weekend with your mama.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oh boy, haf a grate weekend Chance!
its Saturday and i know what you're all doing! getting pets and taking naps! i hope you're having a wonderful time together.
I hope you're all having a fantastic weekend!
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