Note from Mommie: This poor little kitten was soo starved he could barely move when I picked him up, but he Meowed at me pretty strongly which was a good sign. When I brought him in, he gobbled up some food and drank some water. Chance and Shadow were very curious and tried to sniff him nicely, but once the little kitten gave a quick hissy, Chance took off and hid under the bed and Shadow just walked away to sleep on the couch. And yes I did consider keeping the little guy, but I know I just don't have the time or funds to take care of him right now. Besides, the boys have just gotten used to sharing with each other. I would hate to disturb their current comfort with another addition to the family. Maybe sometime in the future, just not right now.
Don't be too upset with your Mom, little bro'. She's helping out another little guy who needed some help, just like you!
Thats great your momma rescued him! We are purring she will find him a great forever home just like you did!
ps I tagged you for a meme! ~Queen Snickers
Oh the poor little guy! Your Mommy did good rescuing him and we are sure that she will not keep him. Think about when you were hurt Chance, and Hendrix's Mommy helped you. Now you guys get the chance to repay the favor.
That is so nice of you to help out the little kitty. Who knows what could have happened to him by the side of the road. Now he will have a chance at finding a Forever home of his own!
poor little guy! good jobbie to your mommy rescuing him. i'm sure he will find a loving forever home thanks to your mommy.
i'm glad you and shadow are getting along better!
Poor sweet baby...thank goodness you rescued him and now he'll find his forever home...
Don't forget you were once a lost little boy who needed someone to save you, Chance! You have a lot in common with him. It was wonderful of your mommy to save him, and it is very brave of her to take him somewhere else to be adopted instead of keeping him herself. My mommy is usually not that brave . . . if she saves it, she keeps it.
Oh that was nice of your Mommy to rescue him, our Mommy would try to keep him!!!
He's a cutie. We know if he stayed you would learn to share with him, but your mom knows best. She saved his life and he'll have a chance to get a forever home, just like you did.
Stop by. We tagged you.
i hope if you momma does decide to keeps himz, she gets him tested for bad dizieazies he could give yoos! don't touch hims!
That's a very cute little cat. Every once in a while Mom wants to get another kitten but then she realizes that she is already owned by 3 cats and decides that it wouldn't be fair to get another. We are glad that she realizes that.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
What a great mommy for rescuing thye little kitty. Hope he finds a good home.
I am so glad he mewed at the right person! I hope he will find a perfect permanent home.
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