Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

Oh Boy Mommie, a pakidge! Wat iz it?
Itz got a cyoot wittle stikker on it of a ginger cat.
Ooooooo, an da paper iz cwinkly.
An der iz anutter kitteh smell on itz.
Hehehe, it mayks a fun noyze wens I steps on its.
But Mommie, wat waz insydes it?
WOW, its yur noo pwetty bwacelets frum Beau's auction. So dat must be da kitteh I smells on da paper. His Mommie did a gwate job makin yur bwacelets vewy pwetty an colurfuls. An Iz gwad we gotsta help da Meezers too. Dey sum gwate man-cats ta bee soo nyce to da Bill an gives him a noo home soes he donna lives owtsydes no more. An dey arr given hims a partay tooday too. Go checks it owt. I'm hedin ova soon, soes I'll sees yoo all der.




Unknown said...

Dat is a purrty braclet. Did you get to play with da papers?

Daisy said...

Ooooh, pretty!

Anonymous said...
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Chance said...

Yups, I gotsta pway wif da paper fur a squillyun mynuts. But den Shadow cams ova an wanted ta rip dem up so Mommie tuk dem aways. It waz gwate funs doh. Hehe

Cecil the Cougar: said...

Very purrity bracelets your Mommy got!

Thanks for the tip on going to Petco for new fashions. My Bosslady went today and picked me up a new teeeeeshirt. She made me pay her 11 Temptations for it! I think it is worth it though.

Mr. Hendrix said...

ooo what great paper. it must've been so fun to play on and scratchy a bit.
your mommys bracelets are so pretty! and they helped the meezers. i'll see you at the party chance.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah da bracelet is purrty but Chance, yoo gots crinkly paper wif Beau smell on it! And we saw dat yoo'z been playing wif da woofie!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Those are pretty braceletts. My Bean probably would have made me model them.

Chance said...

My Mommie twied ta mayk me wares it, but it waz too smalls fur mai nekky. Hehehe

Tybalt said...

How beautiful!

PB 'n J said...

Ohh it's beautiful - Beau's Mommy did a wonderful job. And it was nice of your Mommy to help out the Meezers!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Those bracelets are beautiful :-D

I'm glad you got a chance to play with the bag before your woofie tried to rip it up.

Boy said...

Oooh cool!

Artsy Catsy said...

Those are BEAUTIFUL bracelets! Will your mommy let you play with them and break them in?


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very beautiful bracelet~!
And I can see how you enjoy playing paper!

Isis said...

Ooh your Mommie's got new bling! It's very purrty... :)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty Chance. And We are very glad you and Shadow decided to be friends finally.