Sorry Mommie, this seat is taken.
Yea sowwie Mommie, dis seet iz takens too.
Der iz a wittle room in da middles if ya wants
Or yoo can haz mai spots on da taybl.

Da mens of da howse havs tayken ova da cowchie.
Soooo Sowwie Mommie, Hehehehehehehehe
It was nice of you guys to leave a little bit of space for your Mommie!
I think there is still room for your mom to squeeze in between her two boys!
I say the couch is too full of cute to be disrupted.
Hee hee! That happens at our house, too. Sometimes, Momma just sits on the floor.
Hah hah! We do that too. Maw & Paw have to sit on the floor.
Luf, Us
Oh - you look so handsome in the last photo. It was nice of you to leave your mom a little spot. We think she should take everyone else's suggestion and sit on the floor - mol.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Very good, both of you!
There is not space for human in the house, get another chair!!
Oh dear! Hahaha...
We love spreading out on the couch!! We men rule! Good job you two.
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