Mommie tawt it wuld neva happens. Shez wayted an wayted frum da day she browt me home fur dis.

Den Saturday wen she waz owt da neybor callded her an sed dat Shadow waz makin funnie whiny noizes an da bell on mai cowwar jus kepted on wingin.

Acorse Mommie cam rushin homes an fownd us sleepins in da big bed. She lukked all ova me an didna see no hurties. Den she took Shadow owtsyde an gaves him a wunce ova.

She culdna figyur it owts. We didna havs no boo-boos an we didna seem ta be mad at eech utter.

Finawwy Mommie hadta leeves agan to go bakk an finish da lawdry (she waz at da lawn-dree-mat wen da neybor callded her).

Afer she gots home she waz watchin us lyke we waz nawty or sumfing. Den she herd it. Da weerd noize Shadow waz makins. Mommie cam rushin in to see wat da hekk waz goins on.

Relaks Mommie. Geeeeez, we wer jus play restlin.
Yup, Shadow an I haz desyded ta be fwiends. I tawt dats wat yoo wanted.
yippie!!! we're so so happy you two are playing! we've been waiting for this day too.
playing and snuggles together! that is wonderful. we're so happy for you!
Hooray! I am so happy that you and Shadow are friends. It's good to have a pal.
I bet it is fun play wrestling with your brother Shadow!
I am an only pet and sometimes I wish I had someone to wrestle with, but I don't want to share anything else!
That was so funny! It's good you guys have decided to be friends. That means it's not quite as lonely when your mom is gone.
Wow! Good going on taming the Woofie! Now you two can get into all sorts of trouble together.
Oh! AWESOME! It looks like your having fun! I continue to grow closer and closer! ~Queen Snickers
How wonderful, Chance!
Yeah! So glad you guys decided to be friends! Play nice.
Yea! Woofies can be fun - I love our woofie, we wrestle all the time. Have fun, but be careful!
That's great news that you haf decided to be furrends. It's fun to haf some-one to play wiv, just be keerful though.
Jackie wuz us really. Mum's been logged into the wrong account.
We are so glad that you decided to become friends with Shadow. You two look like you are having a great time. Keep enjoying each other.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Aw, you guys look like you're having a ball!
Yay! It's fun to play with the woofy!
Wow! That was some really good wrestling going on!
Now that is worth celebrating, you two becoming friends. Wonderful!
It's great to hear you two are playing together. It sure looks like fun to have a big woofie to play with.
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