Hi Shadow, yoo wanna cum up heer?

Okay I will mooves fur yoo.

Hey, I tawt yoo waz gonna go on da cowch?

Fine stays on da floor, I donna cares.

I jus sits up here an wates fur Mommie to come home.
I hopes all mai fwiends havs a gud weekend. I willna be bloggins, but Iz still gonna puuuurrrrrrssssss an pwaaayyyysssss fur alla yoo owt der.
Shadow didn't get on the couch? That's Titus' favorite spot!
Happy weekend you guys!
Have a happy weekend, Chance and Shadow!
Woofies! hehe Happy weekend! ~Queen Snickers
That's nice of you to try and share Chance.
Have a great weekend you guys!
You won a kitten squillion!! Please donate your $20 to LillyLu. (Donate button top of her sidebar.) Please email me letting me know when done, along with your snail mail addrs, so I can get your squillion ready for travel, and they will go out sometime next week. Concatulations!!
Did you get a headrub when Mom came home?
Woofies can be furry silly, yoo effun moved so he could haf da couch den he din't get up der. Hope yoo got lots of snuggles when mom gots home.
I agree, Yay, it is the weekend.
It was nice of you to move so he could get up there. I hope you got treats for being so nice.
Shadow, I hope you got a rawhide for letting Chance have the whole couch.
Have a great weekend! whoo hoo! I love the weekend!
PS Great Thursday 13!
Hey Chance, you have a gweat weekend too!
How in the world do you get along with a woofie?! You look like you are great friends.
Have a great weekend, Chance. Looks like you and Shadow are getting along really well now.
Sometimes doggies are not too bright :-p I hope you and everyone in your family has a great weekend, too :-D
Dogs sure can be silly!
Hi Chance. That was very nice of you to move over so Shadow could get on the couch. You look very nice sitting there waiting for your mom to get home.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hi ya Chance! You'z a cool cat!
I hope we can be friends.
Love, Monkey
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