Iz dunno y, but Mommie waz vewy happies to sees me in my ol tunnel. I twy to tells her it waz jus da bad tunnel I didna lyke no more. Dis tunnel neva hurty me. Evan if itz too smalls fur me now. I lyke to hides in heer an gwab at Mommies wegs wen she walky by me. Hehehe, itz fun and sumtymes makes her danse awound lyke she gunna falls ova! She sed itz styll gud news dat I lykes tunnels an stuf cuz da man in da bwown twuck is bwinging me a new box today an she wuz wurried I wuldna lyke what waz in da box.

I wunner wat it iz. She sez it not a tunnel, but it will mak da same cwinkly noisy dat da tunnel made. An itz all pwastic and nywon (wateva dose arr) so no owies. Oh wellls. I jus gonna pway in muh tunnel tyll da bwown twuck gets here. Iz gonna tell yoo watz in da box tomorrow. Sees if yoo can guess!
Maybe you will get a catfish like I have. It is fun! Kind of like a tunnel, but it only have one end.
A crinkle sack? Oh, I think you mommy was right about the Love Café you are a bit young. We thought about putting a age limit on it but then decided it was a decision we would leave up to the mommies or daddies. We are hoping to keep this going all year not just Valentines so when you've grown out of the girls are icky stage you can come check us out! ~ Queen Snickers
Don't worry about ladycats yet, little Dude. You'll have them al over you in time anyway. ;)
It won't be long before lady cats will be lining up and you'll have a harem like Chase does....
Chance, I am very glad that you are not scairt of all tunnels, just bad ones. You are brave.
We are very interested to see what the brown truck will bring you. We thinka c rinkle bag but do not know.
Is it a crinkly sack?!?!?!
I have no idea what it could be. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
Oh it's good that you still like tunnels - 'cause we're guessing about what's in that box...
Ooh, is it a cube maybe? I don't know if they are crinkly. I am sorry to hear about how your tunnel hurt you.
We have no idea what will be in the box but we bet it's going to be something fun!
jans funny farm
Chance, I'm sure glad you weren't hurt any worse-and I hope that Petco recalls all those tunnels-other cats may be in danger, too! You could be getting a Crinkle Mat!
that turnel looks lots of fun!!!!
Dis is Phinney dat boycat. Ize scarified and shokked dat yur tun-ill atticked youze dat way. I dont fink toys shud ever attick cats, dat goez aginst da natjurl rulz of da unaverse. me and brofur ed are verra glad yuze dint hafta go to dat VET and get poked wif needels. Bye fer now.
o yeah, an da-udder topik, me and brofur ed fink yuze is getting a krinkel bag. Dey is verra fun to play wif.
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