Ooo, an guess wat else! Mommie gots me a new and biggur tunnell too wile she waz at da pet store. Itz as big as muh cowch and blue an white and its crinkly too. It wuz lotsa fun to pway in wen Shadow got nosie and cam to see wat I wuz doin. Mommie just laffed wile I pwayed and I tink she feeled bettur.

Tanks efurywun whoo asked bout my Mommies arm. It weally is silly dat it hurts her cause da bean V-E-T tolls her not to use it fur a few days and she didna lysten. She gots tenonidis in her shulders and sumtymes she gets da owies frum it. Speshully wen itz cold owt. If she lysten to da bean V-E-T and not use da arm fur a few days den she is fyne. But if she no lysten den she hurtys fur a few weeks an he put her arm in a swing. Mommie still hurtys but is her own fawlt. If she lysten to her V-E-T den dis wuldna happens. *sigh* Silly Mommie. But till her arm is all bettur, I willna be ables to visit all muh fwiends as much as I want. I will still bwoggie everyday, but won be ables to visit and comments muh fwiends as much. I do my best, but I gots to take care of Mommie or els she will gets up and use da army again. Oooo, shez trying to make cookies. I gots to go stops her and puts her to bed.........
Ah, do't worry little guy. Just make sure to take good care of your Mommie. That's what Mancats do.
When you can, stop by I tagged you for a meme!
Oh you've got a very well trained Mommie! Except for the not taking care of herself thing. She should probably do that more.
That looks like a very fun tunnel you got! You are right to stop your mommie from making cookies. Resting is more important. Even more important than cookies.
Good job taking care of your Mommy, Chance. It sounds like she needs a kitty to look after her!
Oooo I got those purple furry fev-ver butt balls from my secret paw for Christmas. They are so fun to play with! I like to lick the fev-ver before I throw it around hehe. Take care of your momma! ~Queen Snickers
You must be an extra special kittie to get such great new toys all the time ;-)
I'm sorry your Mommie isn't feeling good. It's very important for her to rest her arm, so I'm sure everyone will understand that she can't help you visit blogs for a while. I hope her tendonitis resolves soon. I know it's very painful.
You get cuter every day, Chance!
And you are a very good and responsible mancat, taking care of your mommy like that. Purrs to all of you!
That tunnel looks like loads of fun. I'll have to ask my Mommie if she would buy one for me.
We agree. Your mom needs to rest more. But Buddy says if she wants to bake cookies... Cookies are important too.
jans funny farm
What a cool tunnel! You look so tiny next to Shadow. He looks like he is ready to play.
How cool you got new toys! Maybe your mommy could make you homemade kitty cookies when she feels better. But only after she feels better. Lay on her tummy and keep her down!
Isn't it good that your mommy got you. What would she have done without you there to stop her from hurting herself further?? And who would she spend her extra money on - she can only spend so much on the dog. Although, we really like cookies. Mom lets us have some of the plain cookie part.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
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