Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's my Birthday!

I can't beleive I'm three years old today. Looking back, I've come a long way from that poor kitten trapped in a car. It's amazing the turns my life took to get me where I am now. My Mommy still doesn't know where I came from before I was rescued by Hendrix Mommy, but she don't need to know that. Someone up above was looking out for me though. Now I live a spoiled rotten life with all the foods I can eat (well almost, Mommy and her stupid diet), plenty of toys to play with, and furry siblings to whap or cuddle as I choose. I don't know how I got soo lucky to find my forever home, but I know the Catblogosphere had a lot to do with it. So my birthday wish is for all the kitties out there to snuggle someone they love. Be it your bean or a furry sibling. And if your bean is reading this, give the furries an extra treat from me. After all it's my birthday so you kinda have to.




A few Good Cats said...

As formerly homeless cats, we are always very happy to read stories like yours! Happy birthday, Chance, and may you have many more happy years to come!

The Creek Cats said...

Happy Purrthday, Chance!!!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Happy Birthday, Chance! We hope that you have a good day with lots of treats and scritches.

We'll tell our momma that you said she has to give us treats!

Charlemagne and Tamar

wildcatwoods said...

We were all rescued too. Happy Birthday Chance!

cats of wildcat woods

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Chance!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy purrthday! We hope you have a great day! Oh, and extra treats for all the kitties here (in your honor, of course!)...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday Chance! We join you in your wish that all homeless kitties can find a home/

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're a little late, Chance, but we wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

All the "Chans" at the Poupounette (and Tommy too!)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh mouse-droppings! Wew missed yer birfday!

Well, we hope it was a good birfday...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh crap, we left a message and it apparently got eated. Happy Purthday Chance!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope you had a happy birthday. It was a sad day for us. It would have been our Crystal's 12th birthday. We miss him, but we're so glad we had him for 11 years. We hope you have many more happy years with your mom.