Just wanted to say thanks fur all of your get well wishes. I am feeling much better and Mommie finally let me out of the cage. Well I'm only allowed out when she is home and can keep an eye on me. But I got my spot on the coffee table back and am very happy to snuggle with Mommie on the couch at night too. I am sure it was all of your purrss and well wishes that helped me feel better.
We're sure glad to find out you've been paroled out of the cage. And we're glad you're feeling better.
Glad you are feeling better!
I'm glad you're feeling better, Chance. You look very handsome in your picture.
Yippee! We are so glad you are feeling better and no longer caged. Cages are no fun at all!
~The Creek Cats~
You're looking good, Chance, and we are so happy you're feeling better!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
I'm glad you are feeling better and out of the cage. You have to chill out now young Chance, so you don't get anymore UTIs. That's a very handsome picture!
Whicky Wuudler
Yeah Chance, you are feeling better. We are so glad you got let out of prison. We hope you are well on your way to recovery.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We are glad to hear you are feeling a lot better. This is no time of year to feel sick, is it? =(
Abby & Stygia
PS. Be sure to stop by our blog tomorrow, you're invited to Abby's 1st birthday party!
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