Then, finally someone picked up the box and opened it to see what was inside. Sticking her brave little head out of the opening she let out a tiny meow. A nice lady was looking at her with surprise. She was then taken into a nice warm house and given yummy food and fresh water. After eating her heart out, she snuggled with the nice lady and gave her a purr of thanks.
The nice lady left for a little bit and came home with a new litterbox and a special girly collar for the tiny kitty. She said to the kitty that she never had to worry again because she has found a forever home. She would have food and water whenever you want and a brother kitty to play with. And a woofie brother to protect her from all scary things. But before she could meet them she needed to go see the V-E-T. So one day the nice lady did not get up in the morning to feed her and she started to worry. When the lady finally got up she still did not feed the kitty and with the tiniest of mews she reminded the lady that she was hungry. Nice lady pulled her out of her confinement cell and put her in a tiny little box with a gate on the front and holes in the side. She was taking the girl kitty somewhere and the little girl was scared. What if the nice lady decided she didn't want to keep her after all. What if she was taking her somewhere to give her away? The little girl kitty cried and cried for a long time while they drove to an unknown location. When the nice lady pulled her box out of the moving machine, they were at a place that smelled really funny. A lady came out and talked to the girl kitty while she asked the nice lady a bunch of questions. Then they went into this bright room with a very cold table and the girl kitty was let out of her box. They put things in her ears and cleaned out the itchy ear mites. They put medicine down her throat that they said would get rid of her wormies. They took some of her blood out of her leg and said they would run some tests. The tests all said she was a very healthy kitty and she could finally meet her new brothers. Then they started poking her with sharp things and feeling her belly. Uh-Oh, her belly has bumps in it! What does that mean? Is it the wormies that are making the bumps? No, it's baby kitties inside her belly. She is going to be a Momma kitty pretty soon. Now the nice lady will not want to take her back home for sure. She knows it. She sits and meows quietly with sadness. She liked the nice lady and wanted to stay with her forever. But even the nice lady may not want to care for her and her babies too. She will surely never take her home now. The nice lady picked her up and gave her some hugs and scritches. Then, amazingly, she put her back into the transport box with the cage on the front and the holes in the sides. They drove and drove and finally they got back to the nice warm house. She was carried back inside and the door was left open for her. When she slowly walked out of that box she came face to face with her new kitty brother. He gave her a good whap on the head and then ran off as if to say chase me. She ran after him and gave him a good whap back and off they went. Running and playing for an hour. She couldn't remember ever having as much fun! She went up to the nice lady and climbed up on her lap. She gave the loudest happiest purr she could find as if to say Thank You for giving me a home and a family. She settled down on the nice lady for a nap and realized she would never have to worry about anything again.
Chance, you have a great momma for taking in Little Imp!!
~The Creek Cats~
We are so glad that Little Imp is OK?
Did they say how old they think she is?
We hope everything turns out OK with the babies!
Oh, what a very sweet story. I am so happy to learn that Little Imp is safe at last. I wonder when she is due to deliver?
Oh man, babies! Wait, isn't Little Imp a baby herself. Chance yoo be nice to yoor new sisfur she's gonna be a mommy! Speedy sez he'll be happy to kitty sit as he has not had any foster babies here all year!
Concatulations Little Imp - you've found your forever home!!!! And don't you worry about those babies - your new Momma is gonna help you take care of them and make sure that they get wonderful forever homes too! Now go chase your brother, show him that we Torties don't take any guff :-)
Purrs to you!
p.s. You're definitely going to have to join the Tough A** Torties!
OMC! Little Imp, you're going to be a mommy? I'm glad you had a good check up and that you're super healthy.
We loved reading the wordy Wednesday post about Little Imp and we are SO HAPPY that she is well, and will be staying with all of you. We hope the babies bring even more joy to this wonderful home!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tm and Tama-Chan
Chance, we are so happy to hear that Little Imp is well and able to play with you. We too are curious as to when you are going to become an uncle. We hope you two have fun playing nicely together.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Little Imp, it's so nice to read your story because it has a happy ending.
That is such a sweet story. You and your Mom are so kind to give Little Imp a loving home. She will be a happy young Mommy cat now she is safe and loved.
Whicky Wuudler
That is such a sweet stowy! When are the wittle babies coming? I'm so gwad that Wittle Imp has nothing more she needs to wowwy.
so cute!
thank you so much for thinking of tesla during our hard time! We're still not completely better, but we're on the right track! thank you so much!
Awwwwwww that was so sweeet and we are glad you now have a great furrever home.
Baby kitties, you are just a little girl yourself little imp. We hope things go smoothly for you.
Big hugs to you and your family.
What a great story!
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