So now for my tattle. When I finally got to my forever home with Mommie I went to visit my new V-E-T. She looked me over and told my Mommie that I was a healthy and happy kitty. I didn't even cry when they gave me a stabby thing in my neck. So Mommie and the V-E-T got to thinking about my Hoo-haa's. I have no idea why, I like them just where they are. Well Mommie was feeling really bad about all the stuff I went through, plus being stuck in the cage and everything while I healed just broked her heart. So she asked the V-E-T if it would be okay to wait a little while until I had my Hoo-haa surgery. The V-E-T said it would be fine as long as we didn't wait too long because of course the older I get the riskier it gets. They decided a year was gonna be the limit to wait. Well that year is up in a few weeks and Mommie is making good on her promise to the V-E-T tomorrow. I was told this morning that I can eat all the foods I want until Mommie gets home from her day-hunting place. Then I am going on lock down with no foods and no waters. Just lots of toys and some soft beds. Tomorrow she is staying home from her day hunting place to take me to the nice lady V-E-T to have my hoo-haa's taken away from me. As you can probably guess I am not thrilled about this at all. I mean how dare they take away my favouritest thing in the whole wide world. How will I ever survive without yummy crunchies and delicious tem-tay-shuns for a whole night. And and I won't be able to sleep in the big bed with Mommie either! Oh the torture of it. And of course Mommie is already soo worried about it she can barely think of anything else. Okay she says more like terrified of traumatizing me again and having me revert back to the bitey kitty I used to be. He he he, I gots sharp teeth. I am more traumatized about this whole no food thing. I mean can't we negotiate? Just a few tem-tay-shuns can't hurt can it? Mommie? Please? Puurrty Please with a kissy on top? Mommie??
Buddy: Don't worry, Chance. I survived when my kidneys were farmed.
Merci: Buddy, how many times must I remind you the correct word is harvested. Your kidneys were harvested.
Cotton: Can't you woofies ever get it right? His kidneys weren't involved.
Buddy: Yes, they were. They're missing. See, I'll show you.
Cyndi: Buddy, don't you dare show any ladies where your, um....
Percy: Hoohas.
Cyndi: Hoohas? Go ahead, Buddy, show everone where your kidneys used to be.
That was a great story about how you were rescued!!! Best of luck tomorrow on your hoo-haa surgery!! Eat lot of food today!!!
~The Creek Cats~
Chance, you do not even need those parts! And I think it is a good thing you are having the surgery, because if you wait too long you could start spraying in the house! That would not be good.
Dood - you won't even know they're gone after a bit! And you're gonna get tons of treats for a while, so that sort of helps make up.
I had my hoohaectomy last February, plus I had to have an umbilical hernia dealt with at the same time. It was just fine! I was woozy for a few hours and life continued, as fun and warm and cuddly as ever!
Your Pal,
I didn't even notice mine were gone. When we came home I wanted to chase my sister around but she didn't want to play with me! She told me she had an owie. I think it's easier for us guys. Good luck!
Don't worry buddy, you'll do just fine. I think it was nice of your mommy to wait to have your snip snip done. You'd been thru so much.
You'll even forget all about the foods cause the gas they give you to go nite nite is so good. You'll be chasing pink and green mice for hours!
We'll purrrrr for you tomorrow little brother.
Chsase, We thought we would make you feel better by doing a post just for you. But Buddy just won't cooperate. Pay no attention to anything he says.
Chance, buddy, we are mancats and can endure...psst, now dat da gerls aren't looking...holy moly, no food or temptation fur a whole day! Sheesh, I amember when dey did dat to me. It wasn't da hoohahectomy part dat bugged me it was da no food part. I discovered dat my sisfurs liked me a whole lot more wifout my nuggets...who knew.
Hey, Chance, we've all gone down this road...it's really no big deal...you won't even miss them...and when it's all over...your mom will be extra special nice to you!
Hope everything goes well!
Wally & Ernie
You will be fine! I'm sure you will get lots of extra treats when you get home!!
Chance, we are purring for you. We hope your surgery went well, and you are back to your own self soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I hope your operation went well Chance and you are recovering nicely. You won't miss those hoohas one bit, but I am sure you will get lots of treats to help you recover!
Whicky Wuudler
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