*UPDATE* Go check out my brother
Hendrix's blog for the story of my Rescueversary! There is even a really not so good picture of my Mommie. Hehehehe. I still remember his Mommie and Daddy and how wonderful they were to help me back then. I couldn't have asked for better friends on that day. Not only did they help me get medical care to heal all of my boo boos, but they also found my Mommie and introduced me to the whole blogosphere. Go read the story and leave some love for them in the comments. If there are real angels out there in the world, they would be some of the bestest! ~ Chance
So I noes I sed dat I waz givin Chance his bloggie bak fur a wile, but sumwun hasta giv yoo all da updayt frum dis weeken wif Unkie Josh. An sinse Chance spent da hole weeken unner da bed hidings, he canna doe it. So heer goes.

Shadow spended az much tym az he culd gettin pets frum Unkie Josh. Mommie took hiz do-nut ring offa hiz nekkie soes Unkie Josh culd give him reel gud pets. Shadow waz a happy woofie.

Unkie Josh an Miss Christy are reel reel nys an I lyk dem. Dey evan brawt a woofie wif dem. Miss Christy haz a mini poodle dat iz all blak lyk Shadow an dey call her Baby. She waz sorta fun, but sorta scary too. I noe she jus wanned ta pway wif me, but I wazna so shur bowt dat so I stayed up high ware she culdna gets me an jus kept an eyez on her.

Afer all da asitement ended an Unkie Josh an Miss Christy left, we just all layd down fur a gud snooze. Chance finawy came owta hidings rite afor bed las nite soe he culd get sum gud cuddles frum Mommie. But now Mommie iz tyred cuz he kept her up mosta da nite tellin her bowt all da scaries he had unner da bed. I had ta lay on her hed an puurrr puurrr reel lowd jus ta drown him owt so Mommie culd go to sleeps. Boys arr jus silly I fink. Hopfulley Chance will be ova his scaries an Mommie can get a photo fur tuxie tuesday. If nots, der arr plenty of pics of purrty me ta share.
Puuuurrrrrrrrssssss & Lovey Paws
Little Imp
Little Imp you are so purrty!!! Sounds like you guys had a furry busy weekend with the company.
~The Creek Cats~
It's always lovely to hear from you, Imp! But Chance! Big guy! Under the bed???????
Hi ya, Imp! You had a purrty exciting weekend...you deserve that nap! And Chance...buddy...you got to come out from under the bed....
Hi! Sorry if this dupes but I don't think it saved before.
Little Imp, you had a big weekend. Make sure you rest up. I'm very glad you like your uncle and got extra pets.
Chance, it is OK to be scared. Just remember tho, you'll miss out on extra pets if you hide all weekend!
Happy Rescueversary buddy! This is the anniversary of the day our neighbors brought you to my mommy.
Good reporting, Little Imp!
Happy Rescuversary, Chance!
Imp, it sounds like you had a furry exciting weekend!
Wow Imp - you did great, being so little and not being scared! We'd have been under the bed with Chance!
Oh yeah - and happy rescuversary Chance! That's pretty exciting that you get a Birthday, Gotcha Day and Rescuversary!
Thank you for the update, Little Imp. You did a good job.
And we will head over to Mr. H's to read about your rescue. We remember it but we might have forgotten some details. Happy Rescueversary!
PS - Shadow, Did you really go all goofy and run around the house when you saw my photos on JFF? Thanks.
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