I iz keepin nys an warm an cozies on dis blankie dat da Mommie lefted up heer fur me. We had sum very cold stuff fall frum da skies las nite dat da Mommie calleded snow. It gaveded me sum kittie crazies. I ran all ova da pwace an waz chasin invisdible stuff on da floors. It was sooper fun. Chance waz all moody cuz Mommie gaveded him hiz medasyns an he sez it tayst reely bad. Plus he bited her by assidents an he feel gilty bowt it. He izna unner da bed no mores, but he iz not comin up on da lap fur snuggles eider. I donna mind, dat meens more Mommie lap tym fur me.
Puuurrrrssssssss & Lovey Paws
Pee Ess: I answer to mai naym now! I noes my furrever naym.
We are so happy to hear that you now know your forever name, Imp, and that is a very nice blankie you are lying on!
Poor Chance. He will feel much better soon. Promise!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
Good for you to learn your name. We think it is cute that you got the crazies last night when it started snowing. We think Chance will be feeling better soon, and will start chasing you around.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Dat so great you no your name!! Mommy was so happys when me no mines! She changed mine when me comes to lives at mys forever homes cus she no say dat part ovs me show name rite. Thay call me Soraya bfor. But Empress is me name too an Iz thinks it mez more anyway. Is me rambling??? ~Empress, aka Touch of Katz Empress Queen Soraya
Hi Imp! It's fun to get the crazies isn't it! They always lead to a good nap.
You look so calm and relaxed on that blanket, it's hard to believe you get kittie crazies! But that's what you are, little Imp... a little of this and a little of that...
What a nice quilt for you to stay warm on!
I hope Chance feels better soon.
Hi ya, Imp! It's good to know your name...
We hope Chance feels better soon!
I'm glad you're getting extra Mommie lap time, Little Imp. But I hope that very soon Chance is back to his normal self, all recovered from his hoohawectomy.
You are sweet to keep the place warm. Great job!
Abby & Stygia
Oh Imp it's heartwarming to see you so happy in your forever home. You know your name now? That's brilliant!
Chance, quit sulking about the medicine please, thank you.
Whicky Wuudler
how wonderful you know your forever name! you've got a warm, loving forever home and that is especially good with cold stuff falling from the sky.
we are still purring for sweet Chance to feel better. purrrrrrrrrs
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