Chances Mommy: Even though Chance has not yet made it home to me, I wanted to start up a blog just for him so he can keep in touch with all of the friends he has already made on the blogosphere. This way all of the kitties who purred for him and all the beans who prayed can stay updated with his recovery and watch him grow to be a mancat. And of course his new fur-brother will be making an appearance once in a while to keep his little brother in line. And I would like to Thank all of you who read his story and found a place for him in your hearts. There are a lot of kitties out there who are lucky to be with such wonderful beans!

Hiya Chance! You are a tuxie like me! And you got hurt by a car, like me! And you got rescued, like me! And now you have a blog too!
Way cool! Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere. You will meet LOTS of cool friends.
Hi Chance! I am so happy and excited that you got your very own blog. It will be fun to watch you grow up. I hope you have fun playing in the cat blogosphere.
This is wonderful! I promise to have more photos and updates soon. We have lots of family in town this weekend so the time spent at home has been with Hendrix & Chance. I'll tell you this, he is getting better and cuter everyday. I would love if you could email me a photo so I can show you to him when I talk about you.
I'm using his name lots and I think he is finally getting that it it HIS name.
Hi Chance! I'm MoMo, friend of Mr H and I have been visiting you over there and following your progress. So glad your mommy decides that you would join the blogging community. I am sure you and Shadow would enjoy being part of the new circle of furry friends. Do come around and visit when you are settled.
Hi Chance, what a wonderful name you've got and what a wonderful and loving momma you gotted too. we hope you will love your furrever home once you are there and will be happy ever after wif your new family!
puurrs and hugs Kashim & Othello
We're so excited and happy that we're gonna get to keep in touch with Chance and watch him grow up! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!
Hi Chance. Glad that you will be heading to a wonderful home. Welcome to the Cat Blogoshpere and we look forward to hearing about your adventures. You found a great furiend with Hendrix and his beans. You are one lucky cat.
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