Mommie! Mommie! MEOW! Mommie, opens it. I wanna sees wat it iz...........
Itz a calwender! An itz gots all des cyoot kittehs on it too.
Mommie can we hangs it in mai room wit my cagey soes I can sees it wens I eets?? PweeeeeeesePuuuuurrrrrrrsssssssssssssssss
Congratulations! That's a great prize. :)
That is a very cute calendar you won!
Chance did you know that the lady that made that soooper calender is from New Zealand? What a nice prize - you deserve it.
Look at all the cute kitties on that calendar! I hope she hangs it where you asked.
Chance, you are one Lucky kitty!
What a great prize! That is such a cutie patootie calendar. Now your mommy won't ever forget to feeds you!!
I am so glad the calender made it okay Chase! Thanks for playing!
Samantha & The Tuxedo Gang
They're so cute!
That looks like a great thing to hang in your room!
Great job Chance!!!
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