Soes I tolds myne Mommie I waz sowwy an gived her lots of snuggles wen she gots home from wurk. I tawt she forgiveded me cuz she spents all day with me on saturday. I waz purrins an purrins all day on myne Mommie. It waz gwate.

But den on Sunday she dis-peeeered fur almost da hole day! I waz lyke oh noes she styll mads at me. Den wen she gots home she wen rite to beds withowt me. Soes I broke owt her flashy box ting to see ware she waz all day. Dis iz wats I fownd.

Why is dat bear on ice skates?

OH NO! Look owt kids, hez gonna eets yoo.

Iz totawy confusded. I has no ideas wat dis is all abowt, but at leest Mommie wasna pwayin wit otter kitties. An she did leeve da woofie homes alone wit me all day too so may be shes not mads wit me no more. Iz just gwad she wasna pwayin wit utter kitties all days wifowt me. An she pwomised to snuggles me agan today wen she gets home frum huntin too. But I donna see how dese guys on ice can be mor fun den stayin homes wit me. *sigh* Beans arr weeerd.
Oh d'boy plays Ice Hockey twice a week! :)
I don't understand it either. But, like you said, at least she wasn't playing with other kitties.
Oh Hockey! I love hockey! I watch it TV all the time. I want to go to real live hockey game one day! I want to catch pucks! I will be best puck catcher on the whole planet!
I don't understand it either. Eww, the thought of those sharp blades makes my teeth itch and my toes curl in a horrid way. :) xxx
It seems impossible that she could have any fun without you!
Bears on ice? Weird! ~Queen Snickers
Moms are weird. Our mom has told us she will be leaving us next weekend on Saturday, and possibly Sunday or Monday too. We are not looking forward to it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hockey can be fun to watch. Maybe she'll let you look at it on the tv with her one day. The puck really zips, and the men go really, really fast on the screen.
Oh our Daddy loves hockey - we like to try and watch the puck go round! We all like to sit and watch it together.
You're right Chance, beans are weird. I'm glad your mommy forgave your for the alarm clock thing. She should know it it just cause you loves her and want to spend the day with her.
I hope you get lotsa warm snuggles tonight!
You're right Chance, beans are weird. I'm glad your mommy forgave your for the alarm clock thing. She should know it it just cause you loves her and want to spend the day with her.
I hope you get lotsa warm snuggles tonight!
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