Mommie here. Chance and Shadow will be taking a few days off. I have had a rough weekend and just need a break from blogging. We will be back very soon, hopefully even this week. Things just sort of came toppling down the past few days and I think I need to take a few days to dig out. We will still be visiting all of our friends blogs and commenting if I can find the time. Bear with me and we will return to our regulary scheduled blogging shortly.
Nelle (a.k.a. Mommie)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Woofie Friday?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Purrday Thurrsday
Happy Purrffday Praline!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Man-Cat Monday

Friday, September 19, 2008
Pyrat Cat Friday
My pirate name is:
Dirty Jack Roberts
You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Two things complete your pirate persona: style and swagger. Maybe a little too much swagger sometimes -- but who really cares? Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network
Arrggghh Mateys! It's meow like a pirate day. Climb aboard me ship and lets sail t' seven seas in search o' treaayes and young wenches! We will scourge t' enemies with our six pounders and loot t' oceans o' all their tuna.
Nina, wuld yoo lyk ta be mai pyrat qween fur da day? I will givs yoo all mai bootys fur wun uv yur smiles.
Pee Ess - Iffen yoo needs help speekin pyrat go heer.
Pee Pee Ess - I almos furgot dat tooday iz mai granmas birfday...HAPPY BIRFDAY GRANMA!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Toys on Thursday
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
An Awardie on Wednesday

Grrreta and da gang - Dey arr sum fun kittehs an mayk me an Mommie laff all da tym. Check owt der kitty wata parks. Hahaha.
Victor and da beyootiful Nina - Victor iz a wunnerful brofur to dat hubba hubba gorjuss sisfur of his an I jus canna stop lukin at her purrty pyctoors.
I fink dat iz more den seven kittehs but I donna cares. Dey all deservs it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I'm a weiner
Da udder week I won da wunnerful gwand prize in Skeezix's 1500th post contest! As luverly az all da prizes wer dat he offered, Mommie an I asided to go fur da gift card ta amazon. (I waz runnin reel low on tem-tay-shuns an Mommie hasna started her noo jobie yets). Well dis weeken I finawwy got da stuff we ordered (sum uv it anyway. da man in da blue shorts iz bringin da rest dis week I hopes). Heer iz sum of da stuffs I gots.
Dis iz a cardbord scratchy bed. I jus luvs it. Mommie put sum primo PBJ nip in its fur me. Its sooper fun ta rolls arown in an scratchy an bitey an well jus sit an reflects in. Mommie sed she will gets sum pyctoors of me usin it soon.
An acorse I gots TEM-TAY-SHUNS!!! Mommie ordereded me mai favurit wuns. Da purple bag iz d aDairy flavurs. Dese arr da fyrst kin I eva tryd an I wuld rather hav dose den any udder kin. Dey arr da bestest wuns eva. Acorse Mommie lyks wen I eets da green bag. Dose arr da chik-hen flavur dental helth wuns. I donna reely care bowt dem, but I eets dem. To mayk da Mommie happies acorse. Da lytle bag at da top I neva hads afore. Da nys peeples at amazon saw all da tem-tay-shuns i gots an dey gaves me extwas! Dey is sooper nys beans. I will lets yoo noes how dey arr wen Mommie givs me sum. Rite now I jus want da dairy wuns. Well dats all da stuffs dat I got fur now, but der iz more comin. I evan asided ta shares wif Shadow an he haz a pressie on its way too. I will let him tells yoo all abowt it wen it gets heer.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Sad Man-Cat Monday
We jus herd da sad noos bowt Pixie.
We iz furry sad bowt her hafin ta leeves us, but arr happies to noes she iz no longer hurty.
Pleese go visit her fambly an givs dem sum hugs durin dis tuff tym.

Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Woofie Wednesday
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Thundery Tuxie Tuesday
I haz no pyctoors to day. I haf nofing ta say to day. It iz dark an gloomies on da owtsyd an da thundery boomies arr furry lowd. Shadow iz shakin in hiz furs an *sigh* Imma gonna hafta cumfurt an snuggle him. Mommie bettur hurries up an get home frum huntin. I donna noes how much uv dis I can tayks.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Man-Cat Monday
Friday, September 5, 2008
Finally Friday

Hope all mai fwiends hav a gud weeken!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tired Thursday
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Weekend with Uncle Josh
So Mommie an Uncle Josh went ta sum myoosment park fing on Saturday an lefted me home alones wif da woofie all day. Dey sed dey waz furry sorries fur doin dat, but dey had a lota funs.
Heer iz Uncle Josh in line fur sum rolly coaster called da comet. See at dese myoosment parks, beans stand in dese fings called lines fur a reely reely long tym jus ta get da bajeebus shaked owtta dem. I donna unnerstand why dey do dis, but az we all noes...beans arr weerd.
Dis iz Uncle Joshes gyrlfren Christy. She iz furry nys an sooper sweets. I gav her sum likks an she taysted lyk shugars wen dey got homes. Mommie sed it waz frum cotton canny, but I iz purrty shur it waz jus her flavors.
Afer da ryds, dey pwayed sum games. Dis wun iz a ring toss. See dose giant bears hung on da wall? Yea, Mommie gots wun. Its HYOOOOGE!
Jus luk at it. It tayks up a hole seet in da movin box fing. Mommie had ta smoosh him down so dat Uncle Josh culd see owt da winnow on da way home.
I reely lyk dis fing. Its sooper cumfy ta lay on an he iz furry warm too. Mommie sez she donna noes wat she iz gonna do wif it but I fink he shuld stay rite ware he iz.
Shadow an I had a grate tym bisitin wif Uncle Josh an Christy dis weeken. We canna wates tyl dey come ta bisit agan.

Shadow an I had a grate tym bisitin wif Uncle Josh an Christy dis weeken. We canna wates tyl dey come ta bisit agan.
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