Dis iz da last uf Mommies "trial" photos. She tuk dis wun wif her celly phone and she's furry impwesed wif how it turnded owts. She neva hads a celly phone dat tuk gud pyctoors afor.
Well Fwiends I willna bes awound tomorrow cuz Mommie tuks a baycayshun day frum huntins. She iz goins owt toonite fur a Kar-Eee-Okey contest an sez it willna be ova tyll reel reel layt. Soes she izna gonna goes ta wurk tomorrow. But she sed she iz reel scardey bowt da contest. She wantsta wins, but der arr lotsa gud beans who will be singins toonite an sumfing callded a wreckerd manger too. He herd Mommie sings afor an hes comins owt jus fur her. Dis mayks da Mommie furry scardey cuz iffen she messes up, den he willna comes bakk agayn. Pweese give her sum purrrssss an pwayers dat she dosna chokes toonite. I will lets yoo all noes how she dids on Fwiday. Oh an I waz tagged by Mr. Hendrix fur da Sen-Say-Shuns Meme. I will twy an get Mommie to types dat fur me on Fwiday too.
Paws cwossed and Purrrrriiiiinnnnnsssssss fur Mommie