Shadow here: Just relaxing on Sunday, watching the big guys throw futballs around the field. It was a bity chilly today so I had to curl up under Mommy's blankie. I can't wait till my new brother gets here and we can snuggle together on cold days.
So Mommy and I just did a lot of relaxing this weekend. She decided it was a good time to luv and cuddle on me since she will be soo busy next week helping my little brother get comfurtables in his new home. But I don't mind. I even helped her set up the cage that will be his new bed till he gets fully betters. It used to be my cagey when I was a naughty little puppy, but that was a very very long time ago. Now I'm all trained and graduated from manners school. And of course being an old and gray mature doggie, I'm a lot calmer than I used to be. Well I'm off to naps again for a while. Mommy is at work and doesn't know I stole Chance's bloggie today. Hey I needs to practice if I'm goings to teach him how to bloggie when Mommy is away!
Lots of wet slobbery kisses to all the kitties (and cute girl puppies too!)
Hi Shadow! Nice to meet you. I am glad you are getting all ready for Chance's arrival. This is very exciting.
Hi Shadow, it's very nice to meet you! We are so glad that you and your Mommy are taking Chance in and just now that you guys will be great friends! We live with two woofies ourselves so drop by and say hello when you get a chance!!
Hi Shadow!!! I'm so glad to learn more about you. Your little brother is so excited to have a new snuggle buddy. He is certainly good at that.
My beans are very excited to meet your mommy in person and are to greatful that she will be taking care of Chance. We're also so glad that you are blogging so we can watch him grow up.
Hi Shadow! It is great to have your own kitty or two. My kitties like to groom me. Maybe yours will too. It beats getting a bath.
Hi Shadow ::waves paws:: it's nice to meet yoo. Yoo sound like our kinda woofie. Can't wait to see yoo and Chance together, Zippy kinda misses da little woofie she had when she was a baby kitty. Oh, and blogging is a good way to meet gerls-hehehe.
Hi Shadow!! I'm Mickey and I am a friend of Mr Hendrix. I am so glad Chance will be coming to live with you.I was following his stoey at Hendrix's blog. You are good to be teaching Chance to blog. I look forward to hearing both of your stories. Come visit anutine :)
Hi Shadow! I was so happy to hear you and your mommy were Chance in to your home. You sound like the best big woffie brother a little kitten could have!
Hello there - nice to git to know ya!
Meowz to you Shadow! SO nice of you to love Chance and give her a new forever home! You will love the bloggy world...come visit me some time when you are not taking a nappy in the sunshine!
Love and fuzzy kisses from Miss Peach
Hi Shadow it's nice to meet you. We look forward to reading all about you and your new brother. We bet you'll be best buddies.
Hi Shadow, glad to hear that you are getting ready for Chance's imminent arrival. Hope you have fun together. Always good to have a snuggle companion.
Hi Shadow! We're all very happy to meet you. You're the purrfect brother-to-be and a very sweet woofie. We're looking forward to hearing all about your life with Chance.
Hey, Shadow! Nice to meet you and Chance. We are so excited that Chance has such a great new family.
I'm Titus (a dawg), and I have a kitty brother (Earl Grey) and sister (Tazo). They're pretty fun, most of the time. :)
Hello shadow!! Pleasure to meet you! x
Hi Shadow! It's nice to meet you. I have a doggie sister, and I think that little Chance will be very happy to have you for his brother.
Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe
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