Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Grandpa gots a new kitten!
She doesn't have an official name yet, but they are calling her fluffy. (sorry picture isn't great but you know kittens...all zoom zoom zoom.)
Hope mommy doesn't think we can get one now. I mean she's cute and all (being a gray and white tuxie terror), but we got enough furballs around here.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
New Friend Friday
Meet our new cousin! Uncle Josh adopted a new snowshoe kitty named Sasha. Isn't she pretty?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Snuggly Sunday
Ok so we might not be snuggling each other, but we do got mommy on the couch with us. And she got this new most wonderful thing ever made...an electric heated blanket! She got it today and we loves it. Bring on the winter burrrssss.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Slobbery Sunday
Face shots only cause stupid Shadow keeps licking me and messes up my furs. I whap and whap and he keeps lickings me. Any advice?!?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Shadow on Saturday
Hi friends!!!
We've all missed you lots. And thanks to all your nice words on Chance's gotcha day, mommy promised to try harder to let us bloggy again. Thanks for not forgetting us while mommy was bizzied. Hope we gets to catch up with you all furry soon.
Woofie licks.....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
OMG! It's me three year gotcha day!
And yes, Mommy forgot. Thanks to my friends who remembered. (I got extra treats cause of you). I been trying to get Mommy to blog again for me but she keeps crying about the bizzys. Thanks to you who remembered and all those who think of me. One day I'll get the Mommy to blog again. Until then, know I love and miss you all.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It's my Birthday!
I can't beleive I'm three years old today. Looking back, I've come a long way from that poor kitten trapped in a car. It's amazing the turns my life took to get me where I am now. My Mommy still doesn't know where I came from before I was rescued by Hendrix Mommy, but she don't need to know that. Someone up above was looking out for me though. Now I live a spoiled rotten life with all the foods I can eat (well almost, Mommy and her stupid diet), plenty of toys to play with, and furry siblings to whap or cuddle as I choose. I don't know how I got soo lucky to find my forever home, but I know the Catblogosphere had a lot to do with it. So my birthday wish is for all the kitties out there to snuggle someone they love. Be it your bean or a furry sibling. And if your bean is reading this, give the furries an extra treat from me. After all it's my birthday so you kinda have to.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tuxie Tuesday
Just being a good Mancat and making sure Mommy gets the rests she needs. Her V-E-T person told her to get lots of rest and try to not aggravates her shoulder. Imp and I are helping (but she ran away at the sight of the flashy box). I don't mind taking the credit. Hehe
Monday, May 24, 2010
Mommy Monday
Mommy is home from hunting today. Her bursitis in her shoulder is making her all owie and she can't lift her arms. This means we get to hang out with her at home till Wednesday! Only problem is, (gasp) she can't reach to treats on the high shelf!!! I may need to call in reinforcements.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday update
I was asked for an update from some kitty moms so here goes.
Shadow is still having incontenancy problems but adjusting well to his puppy pee pads.
Imp is her same old camera shy self, but a lover when no flashy box is around.
Chance is finally over his UTI and back to his normal self.
Mommy (Nelle) is working lots as usual, but all is well so far.
Life here all in all is business as usual. Thanks for thinking about us!
Puuurrrssss, woofie licks, and hugs!
Chance, Imp, Shadow, & Nelle
P.S. Hope you like the photo. Don't you wish you could wake up to that face too?
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Snorgle Sunday
Who wants to snorgle my tummy? Mommy claims my tummy spot the best place for snorgles. Any takers?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mom's home on Monday!
Mommy has the day off so us boys are keeping her company. And yes that is Shadow on the arm of the couch cause I took his spot on the blankie, hehe!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Snacks on Saturday
Hummus = Yummy
PS - I still has my ick, but the V-E-T has me on aunty-biotics and I'm getting better slowly. Thanks for all the good thoughts and puurrrsyers.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I has a ick
Well I been doing a really good job making Mom worry bout me lately. I won't tell you all my secrets, but Mom was super freaked out. My plan was working awesome till she shoved me in the PTU and took me to the horrid V-E-T! Turns out I gots a ick. Stupid UTI, but Mommy caught it early and I am on aunty-biotics. Yucky nasty stuffs too! I'm finally feeling better, but Mommy is still worried. So everyday when she goes hunting I get to stay in the bedroom with the very big bed and my silly sister and dumb dog brother can't come in. I got my own box, food dish, and special mousie toys too. Plus I get to sleep in the big bed all by myself. So I guess it's not too bad.
Puuurrrssss & Zzzzzzz's
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I think this photo is doctored. I would never spoon with my sister. I must have been high on catnips. That's my story and I sticking to it!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
You see all that white stuff out there? It's called snow and Mommy keeps dragging it in the house on her shoes. You're not gonna believe it, but that stuff is very cold and wet. Thank Bast I don't have to go out there.
Puuurrrssss and Brrrrrrrrrrs
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A day off
Mommy got the day off so we are snuggling. I loves when Mommy doesn't go hunting.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
We has been bad bloggers this year. Mommy has a furry bad cold and not in the mood for blogging. We is very very sorry. We don't have an update on Patches and we got no new news either. Just a sick Mommy who won't bloggy. We hope you all understand.
Love and puuurrrssss
Chance, Imp, & Shadow
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Years Request
We need the blogosphere kitties help right now. Grammas kitty Patches is very sick and needs some puurrrssss and prayers right now. His V-E-T did some tests and still don't know why he is sick. He stopped eating and drinking and lost lotsa weight. Gramma is force feeding him and he seems to be improving, but is still not doing too good. He's anemic and was jaundiced when he went to the kitty hospital. Gramma is very worried and so are we. Hopefully the V-E-T will be able to figure out what's wrong with him soon, but until then we could use the healing power of all our blogosphere friends. We appreciate any puurrrssss and prayers you could send his way. We will update you when we hear anything.
Chance, Imp, Shadow, Nelle
Chance, Imp, Shadow, Nelle
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