This is Uncle Josh and Diesel. Uncle Josh used to work in a program that took in abused and neglected dogs and rehabilitate them for adoption. Diesel was the very first dog he helped and Diesel fell head over heels in love with Uncle Josh. Mommie says that literally he did. Everytime he would see Uncle Josh come through the dog yard he would roll over on his back and whine like crazy until Josh finally came over and gave him some scritches. Not bad for a puppy who was being hurted by his humans until he was surrendered at 8 months. Mommie says that Uncle Josh just has a way with animals. Like the dog whisperer or something. Maybe that's why I love him sooooo very much. I can't wait until he gets here. WOOF!
Oh, Chance wants me to let all of our friends know that we will not be back online until Tuesday. Mommie took the day off from day hunting tomorrow so that she can clean the apartment for Uncle Josh's visit. This is her very first apartment and this will be the very first time Uncle Josh gets to see it so she wants everything to be perfect (which means I have to try to not pee in the house for the whole day....that may be tough). And of course she has Monday off for the Labor Day so she will be going out golfing with her friends. I hope all of our American friends have a wonderful holiday and all our other friends have a wonderful weekend!

Oooo lookie lookie! Mai fwiends Sen-Chan and Tom gave me dis wunnerfuls awardie! Fank yoo soo much guys. We iz furry happies dat we arr all fwiends an hopes we will be fwiends fur a long long tym. We wil do da taggies fur dis wun on Tuesday syns Mommie is furry bizzy at her day huntin tooday twyin ta get all her stuffs dun afor she tayks her vaykayshun.